
Change log for Danbooru 1.16

Posted under General

I've changed the way favtags are calculated such that the background process recalculates the tag query every time it runs. Hopefully it'll be more reliable. It may take an hour or two for everyone to get updated.

I've also improved some of the reports ( ). I've added wiki and uploads, and you can now specify a date range and how many rows you want (limited to 100). I got rid of the pie charts since, while pretty, they took up a lot of space and didn't convey much information.

As always, let me know of any issues.


Yay, I can use the User Listing and sort by posts and such without timing out and throwing an error. I was about to make a thread on that, as it'd been awhile since I could get that search to complete correctly.

Oh, one thing I've been noticing.

The double bracket links to wiki pages often don't show sample images. I think this primarily happens when there's no actual wiki entry. But before, it always showed the ~6 sample images, I thought.

Has anyone else noticed this, or am I remembering wrong?

jxh2154 said:
Oh, one thing I've been noticing.

The double bracket links to wiki pages often don't show sample images. I think this primarily happens when there's no actual wiki entry. But before, it always showed the ~6 sample images, I thought.

Has anyone else noticed this, or am I remembering wrong?

I've been noticing it, myself. It's pretty misleading, since if I look up an obscure tag without a wiki definition, I can be (and have been) tricked into thinking that the tag is dead. I hope something is done about this.

As much as I like how the new favorite system works I find it messy to have 3 rows of favorite pictures, imo it almost makes the Recent Favorites and Recent Uploads disappere.
imo it would be better just to select one favorite to show on the profile page... ... ... but that's just me ^_^'

Some additional tweaking of fav tags (now tag subscriptions). You can no longer to intersection searches, but my impression was most people weren't using it that way. And now you can do things like subscribing to multiple user uploads.

albert said:
Some additional tweaking of fav tags (now tag subscriptions). You can no longer to intersection searches, but my impression was most people weren't using it that way. And now you can do things like subscribing to multiple user uploads.

Ooh, it looks a lot better this way. I like the visible/hidden option too.

Line breaks on the Tag Subscriptions are gone now. And I'm still not sure I like the lack of commas separating tags to make them easier to see and separate visually. Anyone else?

Also, my artist subscription seems to be only showing Asaki Takayuki posts and no other artists. Don't know quite why this is.

Yes, I'm experiencing a similar bug. Each subscription now only shows the most recent 100 of only one of the tags.

Characters is now all alice_margatroid
Artists is now all kink
Perversion is now all perky_breasts.

Other than reinstating the commas between tags and fixing this bug, I love it how it is.

Edit: And the bug is fixed. Cool.


My favorite tags are messed now too, also I don't really know if I like the idea of uploads on top. I think Favorites then Uploads would look nicer, but I'll likely adjust either way.

Maybe one day danbooru will have more customizable profile options. I kind of like how has avatars and what not, although it's not necessary at all.

albert said:
You can no longer to intersection searches, but my impression was most people weren't using it that way.

Ah, so I can't exclude tags like I was doing with my Touhou list to prevent overlap with a different list? That would explain why that list is screwy at the moment.

Oh, well, thanks for the feature.

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