post #9000000 GET!

Wiki Requests

Posted under General

About the arm_up wiki:
Does this fall under this tag's usage (post #2370413).
The hand is only at mouth level, but the tag said as an indicator, it should be around eye level.
So does this mean, that it's necessary for this tag that the hand is around eye level, or is mouth also ok?
I mean...indicator is pretty vague.

I would use hand up or raised hand for that post. Neither of those currently has a wiki, so we should probably settle on one or other and define it.

I think eye level or above for the hand is fine as an indicator for arm up, but I think the upper arm should also be away from the body at a certain angle.

My suggestion is: hand up or raised hand for when only the forearm and hand are above, say, neck level; and arm up for when the hand is above eye level and the upper arm is not at the person's side.

Provence said:

About the arm_up wiki:
Does this fall under this tag's usage (post #2370413).
The hand is only at mouth level, but the tag said as an indicator, it should be around eye level.
So does this mean, that it's necessary for this tag that the hand is around eye level, or is mouth also ok?
I mean...indicator is pretty vague.

No, this is not arm up. The wiki could be clearer. I'd only use that tag if the arm is at least partially above shoulder level.

EB said:

IMO, it's soap_bottle because of the pump on the top. A shampoo_bottle instead has a lid that's snapped open or removed. But neither of the tags have wiki definitions, so want to make sure whether there's any agreement on that point.

I have seen many brands of shampoo that have a pump-top. Hand soap virtually always has a pump-top, whereas shower gel will often have a snap-lid. I don't think we can define either shampoo bottle or soap bottle based solely on the type of lid it has. It's probably safest to tag a bottle that can't be positively defined as shampoo as a soap bottle, as shampoo is arguably a subset of soap. We might not even need a separate tag for shampoo bottle, it currently has a very low tag count and is often visually identical to a soap bottle.

Blue_Trident said:

I have seen many brands of shampoo that have a pump-top. Hand soap virtually always has a pump-top, whereas shower gel will often have a snap-lid. I don't think we can define either shampoo bottle or soap bottle based solely on the type of lid it has.

I think it's more important to define container tags based on the container rather than what's in it, which is often harder to tell (and impossible if they're opaque and have no text that offers any hint). A water bottle won't necessarily always have water in it, for instance.

Going with topic #12862, list of gyakuten saiban characters needs a double check and revision. There are some characters missing from the list (nearly everyone from the second game, for instance); also, some entries might lead to wrong tags (I randomly clicked Gant's tag, and it was leading nowhere due to spelling error).

Additionally, in this particular case, I think it's necessary to create at least a minimal wiki for all characters involved, mentioning part of the game where they appeared and their English name, maybe also a one-sentence description if character is prominent enough.

post #2322142 and Ace attorney wiki are good for reference.

The gun_to_head wiki.
I just wanted to make a request to let this imply gun (or iof this wouldn't work, at least to weapon.
Now the question:
This this tag also apply when an....assault rifle is used for this? Or is an assault rifle still a gun in English?
And second:
post #2371089
When the finger is used to symbolize a gun. Doesn this also fall under this tag?

heart_tail: The wiki states (and I agree with it) that this should not be used for tails with heart-shaped tips (which is covered by demon_tail). The only time both should be tagged is when the demon tail is also bent in the shape of a heart like post #1147330. I don't think there was a forum discussion on this though, so making sure this is agreed before I do any further cleanup of the tag.

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