And do we need something like vendor or vendor_girl or is the merchant tag enough? Also, in post #270519, how do I tag those squares?
rectangles? Because I see they are completely flat (yes, I know, we have 2D art but I hope you know what I mean xD). Maybe abstract is another good tag for this one. By the way...sine squares are a specific type of rectangles...shouldn't square implicate rectangle? @fossilnix I don't know if this one is british or american english but maybe chief guard or train driver?
For post #2132675, does hair_over_one_eye apply if the hair is only partially covering the eye? I checked the wiki page, but it wasn't exactly clear if it only applies for a fully covered eye or not.
For post #2132675, does hair_over_one_eye apply if the hair is only partially covering the eye? I checked the wiki page, but it wasn't exactly clear if it only applies for a fully covered eye or not.
I'd use it in this case because it isn't just one tiny part of the hair but a whole strand of hair.
And do we need something like vendor or vendor_girl or is the merchant tag enough?
Are merchant and vendor such distinct concepts that they should be tagged separately? I'd rather bundle them all into one tag and let people narrow their search results with merchant shop or the like. Also, there's a hawkers tray (sic) tag but it's only been used once.
As for "vendor_girl", we have more than enough gender-specific tags already.
I think control panel would be a broader and more useful tag if someone wanted to create it. Right now we have control panel overlay but I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.
Blue_Stuff said:
For post #2132675, does hair_over_one_eye apply if the hair is only partially covering the eye? I checked the wiki page, but it wasn't exactly clear if it only applies for a fully covered eye or not.
I'd use hair over one eye in this case. If the eye were fully covered, we have a one eye covered tag as well, though it seems to be somewhat neglected.
When a tag description isn't precise enough to give you a definitive answer, just use your best judgment.
☆♪ said:
post #2246098: the flying bits of fire. Too substantial for sparks IMO but fire doesn't really seem appropriate either. Is it?
I have a couple questions for post #2247811 - what type of paddle is Shigure holding? I think it might be a badminton racket going by the thing hitting Shigure in the parent post, but I'm not sure since I've never seen a badminton like that. My second question is what is Shigure doing on the 1st and 2nd panels? Is it a parody of something?
That's a hagoita she's holding, used to play the traditional New Year's game of hanetsuki. I want to say that pose is a parody of Code Geass, but I'm not absolutely sure.
post #2065353 Is the french_flag-tag appropriate for this? I'd say no but is there a better alternative?
Sure. Why not? I'd say flag_print as well, though I'm not sure "print" tags have been used for designs on food (probably something that should be tagged too, though).