
Artist alias request thread

Posted under General

Kikimaru said:

From おひたし熱郎
I see the artist has changed nick to 赤川 now, so it should be akagawa.

Oh hold on, it looks like the person who originally made that artist entry screwed up. The Pixiv account url we're both looking at doesn't belong to the artist, it's a completely separate artist (akagawa007).

I fixed the entry. So yeah, it should be what you initially suggested, not akagawa:

create alias donabe0w0 -> ohitashi_netsurou

Yeah that's a downside of starting from oldest every time, I never get to this one since it's busy and thus bumped to newest... did the following:

create alias aho-no-ryouiki -> da_panda
create alias idiot_lantern -> matsuba_(idiotlantern)
create alias moe233 -> yue_chi
create alias otsunabe -> storia0628
create alias hoyhoyhoy -> onoderasan
create alias deadcrow -> abaratani_kurou
create alias tokihara_masato -> ashiomi_masato
create alias vorpal-duck -> yakibuta_(shimapow)
create alias konnpakuyoumu007 -> black_burakku
create alias nanao -> nanao_(mahaya)
create alias tkg0705 -> anzu_(tkg0705)
create alias sirumeria -> muffin_(sirumeria)
create alias november_(artist) -> ptrd-41_(xjc900516)
create alias chukairi -> melody_(chukairi)
create alias sakana2501 -> non_(nonzile)
create alias nagumo_coo -> nagumo_kuu
create alias irohaniwoedotirinuruwo -> tobacco_(artist)
create alias karas_5812 -> mr._carp
create alias coyotegti -> burakku-ra
create alias xwheel -> shida_(xwheel)
create alias s_hida -> shida_(xwheel)
create alias m1003 -> zng
create alias layla_(lay-la) -> layla_(suptomat)
create alias minami-bastardsama -> layla_(suptomat)
create alias mondo -> sumisu_(mondo)
create alias rongyuedd -> baijiin_poison
create alias kariosuto21 -> nonono_(basasi21)
create alias d11 -> yue_teitoku
create alias byruu -> sakurano_tsuyu
create alias yilee -> yi_lee
create alias chovie -> tie_baihe
create alias iwamoto_hidetoshi -> s_tanly
create alias kawajita -> you_(kawajita)
create alias agliecosystem -> minakami_(flyingman555)
create alias lucky_doragon -> lucky_dragon
create alias mya -> oomori_harusame
create alias lastswallow -> minoa_(lastswallow)
create alias jin_(artist) -> jin_(mugenjin)
create alias rebell -> re-bell
create alias makura-ko_(nacoll) -> cis_(carcharias)
create alias bravespiritya -> shouma_(bravespiritya)
create alias sassa01 -> kippeijii
create alias iharanosuke -> senmen_kinuko
create alias s_kyoutarou -> suzuki_kyoutarou
create alias pokoruru -> berukko
create alias hitotukinanoka -> hitotsuki_nanoka
create alias arai3648 -> aruka_(alka_p1)
create alias hina_(nicoseiga) -> hina_(araburu-hinadori)
create alias ika_uemon -> ika-bi
create alias yami444 -> sekisei_inko
create alias araiyuutoo -> matsuri_(araiyuutoo)
create alias actmangan -> rakuto_mangan
create alias ryoki_(8bit) -> hachi_(8bit_canvas)
create alias rokumu_hitomu -> rokunashi_hitonashi
create alias nanacy7 -> nannacy7
create alias pumpkinsinclair -> jesus_avalos
create alias come_x_85 -> hachikoo_(astatine)
create alias nivel -> kino_ayuri
create alias donabe0w0 -> ohitashi_netsurou
create alias hongdujebi -> hirundo_rustica
create alias puroburebu-dan -> antiheld
create alias ikarmikarmikarm -> uyori
create alias itetsu_otoko_ddn -> ditienan_ddn
create alias paychflat -> mugen_no_ossan
create alias ryukz -> ryuki_(ryukisukune)
create alias m874 -> charimei
create alias iwasininamada -> nanba_tamashii
create alias 30lg -> dakadou
create alias arai_seiryuu -> katsudansou
create alias scalet-gerubana -> mashiro_shimaro

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