post #9000000 GET!

Another "God Damn It" pool.

Posted under General

I originally meant to post in topic #9365, but the last post is already mine and nobody ever bothered to reply.

So... we have yet another "God damn it" pool: pool #7355.

We have the "Trolling" pool #6282, which should be changed into a tag BTW:

jxh2154 said:

I'd agree that trolling can be tagged, it doesn't seem like an untaggable concept.

I think it's long overdue that we change the "God Damn It" pools to trolling instead of creating more and more pools for individual characters.

From topic #9365:

anon153 said:

While we're on this subject, I'd like to suggest the creation of a portal trolling tag for trolling that involves the use of a gap or other spacial distortion tool.

jjj14 said:

Isn't that basically pool:1399 trolling (once we populate the trolling tag)?

S1eth said:
pool #6930 - Touhou - Komeiji Satori - The mind-reading troll
which can be moved to mind_reading pool:6282 (or mind_reading trolling)

S1eth said:
I think it's long overdue that we change the "God Damn It" pools to trolling instead of creating more and more pools for individual characters.

Agreed, though there might be problems with such a tag's definition and usage. Is something like post #473990 really trolling? I don't think so, but someone else obviously did, and there are probably quite a lot of similar cases out there. We should first decide on what the tag would be about exactly.

Fred1515 said:

Agreed, though there might be problems with such a tag's definition and usage. Is something like post #473990 really trolling? I don't think so, but someone else obviously did, and there are probably quite a lot of similar cases out there. We should first decide on what the tag would be about exactly.

My question is: why is that image even in the pool?

I've seen a lot of rather random images in those pools, such as a kyubey novelty_censor (post #1106489), which shouldn't belong there.
Then there's random "being a jerk" or "violence" moments, and I wonder if we have (or should have) tags for those.

So we'll replace these pools:

With the trolling tag. Sounds good to me.

In the interests of giving trolling a better definition than "when someone gets trolled", maybe this can be a start:

When someone intentionally does something to provoke anger or distress in another person or people for comedic reasons.

I think a large portion of the posts in the character-specific pools (especially the tewi one) don't fall under trolling.

Personally, i also very much prefer keeping these as pools as they usually define/point out important features/events/etc in the image.
Changing them to tags would make them much harder to notice, requiring one to read the entire list.


itsonlyaname said:

Personally, i also very much prefer keeping these as pools as they usually define/point out important features/events/etc in the image.
Changing them to tags would make them much harder to notice, requiring one to read the entire list.

Why is a list of pools necessary to notice important events in the image? I would prefer to notice important parts of the image myself.

itsonlyaname said:
I think a large portion of the posts in the character-specific pools (especially the tewi one) don't fall under trolling.

Most of what I see can be covered by trolling, prank or violence, and that would definitely be a better categorization then lumping them together in a pool.

^Agreed once again.

Toks said:
In the interests of giving trolling a better definition than "when someone gets trolled", maybe this can be a start:

When someone intentionally does something to provoke anger or distress in another person or people for comedic reasons.

That sounds like a pretty good definition for prank too, makes me wonder if we should create trolling after all.
Prank is easier to understand, identify and tag, while trolling is a total mess, judging by what's currently in the pools.

Isn't prank more for physical pranks like putting thumbtacks on a chair or making someone trip on a banana peel?

There are some posts in these pools that aren't physical pranks like that, but rather trolling with words. I don't think prank describes those ones well.

OK then, that seems clear enough. We can go with Toks' definition for prank and trolling and specify where each should be applied:

Prank: When someone intentionally does something to another person or people for comedic reasons, like putting thumbtacks on one's chair or drawing on one's face as they sleep. For verbal or other non-physical actions use trolling instead.

Trolling: When someone intentionally does something to provoke anger or distress in another person or people, mainly through verbal or other non-physical means. For pulling pranks of the thumbtack-on-chair variety, use prank instead.

I think violence is pretty clear already.

Danbooru's aim is to be primarily functional. Pools are meant to make it easy to read comics or follow sequential images, by providing a place to collect and sort them. Years ago, danbooru got rid of all its subjective tags, because users can't agree on them (watering down any one user's search) and/or degenerate into favourites collections (a feature danbooru already has). Collection pools began sprining up to replace them, and the community decided to tollerate them, but they're a fine line. They have to be useful to a large base of users, or they're considered a waste of space, time and effort.

Serlo said:

Years ago, danbooru got rid of all its subjective tags, because users can't agree on them (watering down any one user's search) and/or degenerate into favourites collections (a feature danbooru already has). Collection pools began sprining up to replace them, and the community decided to tollerate them, but they're a fine line.

Why do we tolerate subjective collection pools at all? I don't see how they're difference from subjective tags - disagreements about what belongs in them aren't rare, nor are favorites pools.

Toks said:

Why do we tolerate subjective collection pools at all?

Sounds like this could go in the direction of removing bigger pools like "heart-warming" & such.
While disagreements occur sometimes, there are also many people who enjoy browsing/populating the pools.

I can't point out exactly what it is, but a pool definitely is a lot easier/more fun to browse than a tag combination.

itsonlyaname said:
I can't point out exactly what it is, but a pool definitely is a lot easier/more fun to browse than a tag combination.

If you really think pools are easier to browse than tags, I'm guessing you're not using tags properly.

As for the fun part, I don't see how it's relevant to the discussion. It doesn't say anything about how well-conceived, necessary or useful the pools are compared to the proposed tag, especially when you can't even point out exactly what it is that makes the pools easier/more fun to browse.

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