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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

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Yes I'd like the original front page design, with just a search bar and the cat girls, along with a warning of NSFW content. I don't think you should put any posts in the front page at all, and just provide a tip for separating words in a single tag with an underscore. If newcomers are dedicated to searching for their pictures on Danbooru, they'll learn the naming/tagging system on their own.

Also issues: pressing Q to go to the search bar in a post URL makes the "q" appear in the search bar, which can be easily deleted before typing in the actual term, but it's kind of a hassle to keep doing it, and especially if I forget to do it, hit enter, get 0 results, realizing the extra Q there, and re-searching.

lastsinz said:

Yes I'd like the original front page design, with just a search bar and the cat girls, along with a warning of NSFW content.

This. So much this.

Also... Why. The hell. My. Freaking. Blacklist. DOESN'T WORK THERE?!

auton_merlin said:

To add to that, a quicklink to /posts and /pools would be useful. For me, those are the two pages I would go to first.

Just stick the navbar at the top, then.


RaisingK said:

Just stick the navbar at the top, then.

I rather like that idea. Can't remember if the original had that but my gut says it did. Either way its a useful thing to have as it gets us all the functionality you'll need on the frontpage and the nice searchbar.

If we're going to have to have 'examples' maybe make it a random selection of one bar of random images (or high rated ones perhaps). NOT multiple rows. As of now it its about 2.5 pages long on a 1920x1080 resolution image. I don't think most would be scrolling down all that far as if you put that this is an anime search engine it would make more sense that the search box would be the focus. As of now we have a giant tail of images and bandwidth use that most won't use.

Toks said:

It had a small navbar. It only had ~4 links, rather than all ~10.

Okay I was right. I wasn't sure if it was just the main 4 (Posts, Pools, Comments, Forum) but it seemed to be fitting. We won't need the full bar but maybe the 'Top Used' things that a User would hit the most.

Not sure if I got the 4 right but it might be switching Comments with Artists

Type-kun said:

It'll be all NSFW then.
As for navbar - posts, hot, tags, pools?

Good point... Although I'm thinking Popular might be better than Hot. Not sure how HOT is determined.

Toks said:

The navbar needs to have everything if it's going to be at all useful, IMO.

So using the Standard Font for it all on frontpage.

Maybe slip it under the Slogan. Trying to think what would look good but the note UNDER the textbox needs some work I think with the wording about last names because it's not a hard rule. I'm not exactly sure how we'd work on describing the name order thing without causing some degree confusion considering the problems.

Maybe something like 'Use Japanese Name order for Japanese names?' Since it's accurate but doesn't invoke the problems we have with the majority of Gundam character names.

Zelinkokitsune said:

the note UNDER the textbox needs some work I think with the wording about last names because it's not a hard rule. I'm not exactly sure how we'd work on describing it.

The rule is "use the name order that is used in the source language". But that would be less clear to new users.

Toks said:

The rule is "use the name order that is used in the source language". But that would be less clear to new users.

Then we should probably find a way to better express it but it's more a wording issue than an idea issue. Admittedly it WILL be helpful to new users.

'Use Native name order from source' 'Remember to use Last name first with Japanese names'? Trying think of how to best 'humanize' the rule

The new front page looks nice, but making peoples' blacklists work there (or at just only showing rating:s material) needs to be top priority.

Also, bring back the catgirls. Seriously.

albert wrote this on issue #1157 a while ago:

One interesting thing I read from the Gelbooru AMA is that new users were confused by the front page. The expectation is Google-style search behavior where you enter a bunch of keywords separated by spaces, but often times this will result in no hits (like searching for "rei ayanami").

Because of the way Danbooru tags work I don't believe a minimalistic front page a la Google is sufficient. There should be some amount of instruction, a brief explanation of what Danbooru is (i.e., copy), and perhaps cross-referencing the wiki when a search returns no hits.

So the "just search bar" home page causes problems for new users unfamiliar with the Danbooru tagging system. Unforunately, the new page isn't much of an improvement; it provides examples and autocomplete, but otherwise provides little indication that it's a space-separated list of tags whose intersection will be returned, not a Google-style freeform search. At the very least, though, it does have "ooh, let's click on this image" as an entry point.

Zelinkokitsune said:

'Remember to use Last name first with Japanese names'? Trying think of how to best 'humanize' the rule

One of my earliest "stinks" made here was for the Xenosaga series, where the plainly Japanese "Shion Uzuki" (given, sur) was rendered in that order on the official Japanese page.

Perhaps: "Many character tags on Danbooru are structured in Eastern order ("last_first_middle"). If you receive no results for a name, try this or Western order ("first_middle_last") as applicable." Or somesuch.

Anyway, just wanted to add to the request for a simple frontpage. For me, it's so my compulsions of "now I've seen it and don't use its tags, so I must bookmark/favorite it" don't kick in. Currently, I have these Forums bookmarked, and navigate from there.

uxw said:
So the "just search bar" home page causes problems for new users unfamiliar with the Danbooru tagging system.

This doesn't sound like much of an issue now that there's autocomplete.

Plus, if my experience from *chan imageboards and other sites is any indication, most users are introduced to Danbooru when someone links a post or a tag search when sauce/more is requested, so they don't really visit the front page until later.

Having a link to a help page explaining tag searches in the case a member gets chickens would be more useful and instructive IMHO.


NeverGonnaGive said:

One of my earliest "stinks" made here was for the Xenosaga series, where the plainly Japanese "Shion Uzuki" (given, sur) was rendered in that order on the official Japanese page.

Perhaps: "Many character tags on Danbooru are structured in Eastern order ("last_first_middle"). If you receive no results for a name, try this or Western order ("first_middle_last") as applicable." Or somesuch.

Anyway, just wanted to add to the request for a simple frontpage. For me, it's so my compulsions of "now I've seen it and don't use its tags, so I must bookmark/favorite it" don't kick in. Currently, I have these Forums bookmarked, and navigate from there.

It sounds pretty nice for the suggestion honestly (Didn't know about the Xenosaga thing actually). Also I still never could figure out how the autocomplete seems to generate its result tree.

Also Fred I actually think that's another neat idea for it.

Zelinkokitsune said:

Also I still never could figure out how the autocomplete seems to generate its result tree.

It just gives you the 10 tags with the most posts which start with what you typed. So if you typed "so", the first result would be solo, and the second would be socks, etc.

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