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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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That change is kind of annoying, but instead of going to the bottom of the manga pages I click on the "Thumbnail list" button next to the page number. In that view the return to mode=medium link is at the top.

I also seem to be having an odd problem with the delay of when the page realizes when a fully loaded image is no longer in resized mode.

I've had times where I've clicked view 100% size but when aiming to save the image I still get the sample. Not sure if its a case of lag or some odd programing quirk. Only seemed to really start recently. Maybe the last few weeks. Was there a behavior change?

RaisingK said:

That's just the delay while the full size loads and then replaces the sample. Not a recent phenomenon.

Odd thing was that the full size was loaded and it seemed to still have the delay. Maybe it's just I've never noticed it before

It changed not too long ago (i think at danbooru 2.0)
Now, it scales up the sample image while loading the full image in the background, replacing it when it's done.
Before, it removed the sample from the page and loaded the full image in the foreground.

Personally, in most cases, i preferred the old behavior though.

itsonlyaname said:

It changed not too long ago (i think at danbooru 2.0)
Now, it scales up the sample image while loading the full image in the background, replacing it when it's done.
Before, it removed the sample from the page and loaded the full image in the foreground.

Personally, in most cases, i preferred the old behavior though.

Now you have the issue of it just seeming to 'hang' with an extremely blurry image making things look like it may have broken or there was image corruption (or the upload might have been bad). This becomes VERY noticeable that its doing the upscaling on full color high resolution images (Which are also large filesize). Without a sign of "Image loading" or hints that the page is doing things there isn't any way to tell that this process is happening. While I understand it's supposed to be a 'seamless' thing in practice it doesn't seem to work that good with images you're going to WANT to be really wanting to be using the sample sizing for.

post #1445651 is a prime example of how without knowing the way the behavior works you'll have the issue with how this works. Not really sure how I feel about it as I also preferred the old behavior

I think something extraordinary just happened. 'Cause suddenly the tag list for each page of Danbooru is reaaalllly long, well at least compared to the length of the page the ~20 pictures take.


  • Autocomplete works when using prefixes, such as minus.
  • Post count is displayed when using autocomplete.
  • You can now undo votes to posts or comments. Right after voting, the vote links will change into an "Unvote" link that will allow you to remove your vote.
  • An intro page for new users has been added. It doesn't seem done yet.
  • When using post modes such as Tag script or Edit, the background colors will only appear on the borders instead of taking up the whole screen, in order to be less intrusive.
  • The behavior of the trending tags visible on the left of the front page has been changed to be closer to Danbooru 1's behavior.


For forum browsing, could we possibly have the "NEW" marker link to the page with the newest unread message? Always a little frustrating when I want to check the newest messages in an 85 page thread but have to go to the years-old first page and scroll to the bottom to get a link to the last page...

LittleFuzzy said:

For forum browsing, could we possibly have the "NEW" marker link to the page with the newest unread message? Always a little frustrating when I want to check the newest messages in an 85 page thread but have to go to the years-old first page and scroll to the bottom to get a link to the last page...

are you referring to the artist (topic #8199) tagging thread? you can click the 'page 85' after the thread title and you don't have to start to the years-old page.

Not sure how to feel about the new front page. I'm still pining for the old Danbooru 1 intro as it seemed to be really nice. This one's kind of just kind of confused at what it wants to do as the front tags seem to be random and not really all that useful. Also it's just eyesore to look at with its current look.

Just dumping us at was better than this new frontpage. Also the new frontpage is apparently the same as is this a bug?

Seems fine to put the catgirls above the searchbar again. We might want to push the examples off the bottom of the page and give a "this site is NSFW" warning at the bottom of the top area of the page. But other than that, I won't be looking at the front page much so I'm rather indifferent.

Serlo said:

Seems fine to put the catgirls above the searchbar again. We might want to push the examples off the bottom of the page and give a "this site is NSFW" warning at the bottom of the top area of the page. But other than that, I won't be looking at the front page much so I'm rather indifferent.

Well that's another thing the current setup for the Examples thing that I was considering bringing up as well I had I think every 'example' having multiple NSFW images on it. If anything the EXAMPLE page idea would be good for registered first timers but I still think a Danbooru 1 style layout works better as for the frontpage well it's NOT going to be slamming NSFW stuff right on it like we got right now.

Also I think having "Original" on the it is kinda hilarious considering

Type in your favorite anime, manga, or character (last name first). Here are some examples:

Also this is actually VERY misleading about character names. A textbook example of this would to be searching amuro_ray or any Gundam name (many series explicitly NOT set in Japan or using NonJapanese Names will show this to be wrong). His family name is Ray and his given is Amuro by that we'd be looking for ray_amuro which doesn't work.

Edit: Also looking at it. Man the frontpage is REALLY tall now with all the "Examples"


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