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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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Not sure if this is just me, but I'm having difficulty today with the translation notes. Once I open a note, the top bar and "X" closing box are faded. When I click to move it, it just vanishes, leaving me unable to open any other notes unless I reload the page. (I can still move and resize unopened note boxes, though the diagonal lines indicating the resize corner don't show up.) I do have NoScript running, but it currently blocks only newrelic and addthis, and I don't think either should affect the translation notes script.

(Apologies if this is already being discussed in a separate thread, but I didn't see one, nor any mention of this issue on the previous page or two of this thread.)

The faded "X" closing button & missing diagonal lines are from updating jQuery, they have to be re-added (just a visual problem, still works fine).

Everything else is my fault >.< a change didn't work well cross-browser, it is already undone & waiting for deployment. (worked fine on opera)


FormX said:

Auto complete without navigation key support is slow cumbersome and in the way. Unless it's supposed to be working.

I believe it's supposed to work by default. Probably a bug.

Minor nitpick:

The Upload as Pending checkbox is kinda misleading, particularly for users with auto-approvals (Privileged+).

The way i understood it, it uploads into the queue for delayed uploading, not for approval.

Now I have 2 posts that need approval from others first. <.<.

z905844 said:

Minor nitpick:

The Upload as Pending checkbox is kinda misleading, particularly for users with auto-approvals (Privileged+).

The way i understood it, it uploads into the queue for delayed uploading, not for approval.

Now I have 2 posts that need approval from others first. <.<.

Hmm, what should it be called? Maybe "upload as pending approval"? Or "bypass the moderation queue" and have it checked by default?

Toks said:

Hmm, what should it be called? Maybe "upload as pending approval"? Or "bypass the moderation queue" and have it checked by default?

"Upload for Approval" i guess.

Also, was thinking of suggesting it to be made into a button instead, but ergo, more people might end up clicking it.

Toks said:

You mean your change from issue #1675? That never went live. The bug Moonspeaker is experiencing (issue #1768) is unrelated.

I followed that link and saw the issue is closed. (I believe I was indeed scrolling down far enough that the notes I was trying to move probably jumped off-screen, and I simply didn't know to scroll further and look for them.) I was a bit thrown off, because the top bar and "X" checkbox are still faded out, and note box outlines are still visible above/through an open note. However...

itsonlyaname said:

The faded "X" closing button & missing diagonal lines are from updating jQuery, they have to be re-added (just a visual problem, still works fine).

Everything else is my fault >.< a change didn't work well cross-browser, it is already undone & waiting for deployment. (worked fine on opera)

I can indeed move the notes around again. Thanks to those who resolved this so quickly.

Are the Recent and Frequent/Favorite tags gone for anyone else as well? Yesterday the Recent was only showing three of the old tags from the last at random after each new post, not to mention they were colored wrong (some character names showing up as purple, many blue ones turning red).

Anonymous9000 said:

Are the Recent and Frequent/Favorite tags gone for anyone else as well? Yesterday the Recent was only showing three of the old tags from the last at random after each new post, not to mention they were colored wrong (some character names showing up as purple, many blue ones turning red).

Recent tags should fix themselves automatically if you save a post's tags (whether or not you change them). That might fix frequent tags too.

If that makes recent tags reappear for you, are they still acting strangely like before?

Fred1515 said:

Related Tags don't seem to be working properly either, it only brings up tags for the last tag in the post.

What are you doing exactly?

It brings them up for the last tag when you first open the related tags form. But if you manually select another tag and press "Related tags", it will bring them up for the selected tag as it should.

If that isn't working for you, what browser are you using, and does disabling add-ons/userscripts help?

Toks said:
It brings them up for the last tag when you first open the related tags form. But if you manually select another tag and press "Related tags", it will bring them up for the selected tag as it should.

OK, it was just me being stupid, I hadn't realized it worked like this now. I believe having related tags/copyrights/characters for all tags at once like it used to be instead of one at a time would be more convenient though. Might be problematic for posts with too many tags, but some limit of sorts could fix this.

Fred1515 said:

OK, it was just me being stupid, I hadn't realized it worked like this now. I believe having related tags/copyrights/characters for all tags at once like it used to be instead of one at a time would be more convenient though. Might be problematic for posts with too many tags, but some limit of sorts could fix this.

Personally, when I used related tags for all tags at once in Danbooru 1, I never ended up using more than two or three of them. I don't think requesting dozens of tags at once when 95% of them aren't going to be used is a good idea. It also took up a lot of room.

Toks said:
Personally, when I used related tags for all tags at once in Danbooru 1, I never ended up using more than two or three of them. I don't think requesting dozens of tags at once when 95% of them aren't going to be used is a good idea. It also took up a lot of room.

I used to add the majority of my tags through Related Tags, especially when filling in specific character traits, e.g. typing in remilia_scarlet, izayoi_sakuya and hong_meiling, and then having all the hair and eye colors, clothes, accessories, etc. for all three characters at once, saving time compared to manually typing everything and also bringing up tags I might have forgotten otherwise.

But a few more clicks is not that big a deal I guess, especially if it's easier on the server.

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