post #9000000 GET!

Tag discussion: banned_artist vs banned_artists

Posted under General

Moving the discussion here from topic #9127 because it’s not exactly a Danbooru 2 migration issue.

Log said:

The banned artist entry is horribly unmaintained because albert stopped announcing bans, if you get a banned artist after an upload feel free to tack those urls onto the end.

kittey said:

I was just about to say that “horribly unmaintained” is somewhat of an understatement because artist #90469 (banned_artist) doesn’t show any URLs at all for me, but then I noticed that there’s actually artist #42344 (banned_artists) with loads of URLs but no posts. So posts are tagged banned_artist but the URLs are under banned_artists. Is that on purpose? Searching the forum yields only results cluttered with discussion about banned artists.

Log said:

The URLs should probably be moved, there was no formal choice to use one over the other and if real implications are in place to the singular probably better to use that one.

ghostrigger said:

artist #90469 (artist db record) doesn't appear to be necessary. maybe we can deactivate it and reuse later. the wiki can exist or be deleted as well.

suggestion to avoid further confusion:

deactivate artist #90469
link artist #42344 to banned_artist instead
create alias banned_artists -> banned_artist
delete wiki banned_artists (optional)

I don’t think artist pages like artist #42344 can be linked to other artist tags. Wouldn’t it be easier just to move all the URLs manually? Your two latter suggestions are quite valid, though.

Updated by Toks

I've moved everything from the banned_artists page to banned_artist.

Also, the list of URLs is probably somewhat out of date. I might write a script to update it with the URLs from each banned artist.

Edit: Wait, the API doesn't have URLs in it for some reason.


the script will be a nice feature but i guess a regular job task will be even better so that it will be automatic everytime an artist got banned.

and maybe a very minor suggestion, please consider using artist #42344 as the final artist db record. it has a "richer" history started by Log way back in 2009.

Toks said:
I feel the same. The old one should always be reused. In addition to keeping track of history, it also prevents links (such as with the artist #63700 syntax) from dying.


ghostrigger said:

and maybe a very minor suggestion, please consider using artist #42344 as the final artist db record. it has a "richer" history started by Log way back in 2009.

You're right, that artist entry has been in use longer. I assumed it wasn't because banned_artist has everything implicated to it.

But I think the list and the implications should be in the same place. So, should we go with banned_artist or move all the implications to banned_artists?

i believe the implication and the list should be in the same place too. when you edit the artist db record, you can just rename it by replacing the "Name" field. but you have to deactivate first the other so that the system will not say it's already "Taken" after you clicked the [check] link.

the artist db record exists independently of the tag name. <<-- EDIT: unsure now the extent of this


ghostrigger said:

i believe the implication and the list should be in the same place too. when you edit the artist db record, you can just rename it by replacing the "Name" field. but you have to deactivate first the other so that the system will not say it's already "Taken" after you clicked the [check] link.

the artist db record exists independently of the tag name.

Oh, I keep forgetting that you can rename artist entries without losing their history. Pretty silly considering what I said in that post you linked.

but you have to deactivate first the other so that the system will not say it's already "Taken" after you clicked the [check] link.

Is deactivating the first conflicting entry enough? I think it needs to be renamed as well, or the name will still conflict.

Toks said:
Is deactivating the first conflicting entry enough? I think it needs to be renamed as well, or the name will still conflict.

maybe unchecking the 'is active' checkbox isn't enough. i guess you can assign a temporary holding name or use it for a new artist just to be sure.