Bare breasts do not warrant an E rating, not even in the old days. It's Q.
Posted under General
post #1315554 - Since when can it be safe to have someone's crotch right in your face? Seems Q to me.
I'm a bit confused by recent uploads :
post #1324531 - shouldn't it be rated as explicit as she bluntly shows her pussy
post #1325476 - was q now it's explicit, basically she's just sweating, no pussy juice and some sexual activities shown, I know it's a borderline situation
post #1324531 is indeed E. It may still be clothed, but it goes far beyond a mere cameltoe.
post #1325476 is Q, as it's basic nudity without any blatant genitals on focus.
post #109630: Q or S? Seems safe enough to me.
post #109630: Q or S? Seems safe enough to me.
Safe, it's not really showing anything.
It seems, my posts in this thread are being completely ignored. Damn, you could at least say: "It's Safe, so get lost"!
But well...
It appears that my view on what should be rated Safe and what shouldn't does not correspond with Danbooru rating policy, so I'd better stay out of this.
post #1053959 seems like it should be rated E, is that right?
D'Eye said:
Sorry about that, I don't pay much attention to two week old posts when I check these sorts of threads, I usually assume they have already been taken care of. You are correct, it's not a particularly classy post, but it definitely falls within the definition of safe. Where you think you and Danbooru's definitions don't match it's probably better for you to continue asking to make sure things line up in the end.
pcell said:
post #1053959 seems like it should be rated E, is that right?
Yes, it's almost borderline Q, but shows too much for that rating.
Shinjidude said:
Sorry about that, I don't pay much attention to two week old posts when I check these sorts of threads, I usually assume they have already been taken care of.
You shouldn't apologize. The thing is, it isn't the first time my post in this topic is (apparently) being ignored, so I wasn't adressing anyone specifically.
Shinjidude said:
Where you think you and Danbooru's definitions don't match it's probably better for you to continue asking to make sure things line up in the end.
Actually, it seems that the abovementioned definitions really don't match, so I'd better stop flooding this thread and getting on everyone's nerves here.
Well, maybe... If there happens to be some really egregious misrate, I'll make sure to drop by!
Oh, and thank you for the polite reply, Shinjidude.
post #1364392 looks in my eyes to be questionable rather than explicit (based on howto:rate). But as I am still very much a greenhorn, I'd like to check.
Edit: Appears BlueFox has now tagged it questionable (probably whilst I was fumbling with the Dtext of my initial post even). Thanks for the reply Hillside_Moose.
post #1370970
Is it Q or S?
According to howto:rate, sexually suggestive images are to receive a Q rating, but howto:tag checklist says that sexually suggestive images may receive an S rating. As there are currently 52 pages of sexually_suggestive rating:s, it seems that the howto:rate wiki should be edited, right?
howto:rate also says that exposed nipples/areolae are to be rated Q. Right now, I keep getting "The database timed out" messages when searching nipples rating:s, but there are 5 pages of areolae rating:s. Should the wiki be edited for this too, or should the images be changed to Q?
MyrMindservant said:
post #1370970
Is it Q or S?
Borderline, wouldn't mind if it's S.
It depends on what people tag sexually_suggestive. Some are more suggestive than others. There are images which have only suggestive text (post #1316015) and should obviously be rarted S.
Ever since we changed our rating policy, it's no longer just a binary decision of genitals yes = e, no = q/s, nipples? yes = q, etc.
For examle, an image of a nude super deformed (chibi) character with visible nipples may in some cases be rated S. In general, though, most images with nipples should currently be rated at least q.
Edit: I find many more images of nipples/breasts misrated as E instead of S.
Edit2: There are also quite a few images of topless males tagged nipples.
i'm confused. apparently, howto:rate mentions erect_nipples to be questionable. but we have 237 pages of erect_nipples rating:s status:any. are these all misrated?
EDIT: *looks below* thanks, agreed. should we clarify the wiki too? i think that's the keyword - sexualized.
EDIT2: maybe there's already. lacking sexual content, right?
It depends on context. With post #1399903 it's fine to rate Safe because it's not sexualized at all, compared to something like post #1394563 where the nipples are all but exposed.
post #1400882
I originally rated it safe, but on second thought, is it questionable? Even though no nipples can be seen, does the amount of breast exposure warrant a change?