
Pointless Pools

Posted under General

Hellbus said:
pool #1431 "Touhou - Kirisame Marisa - ZE!!!"

This could easily be replaced by a tag named "ze" or something similar. It's a thing spoken by a particular character, and other such quirks of speech (e.g. mukyuu) are in the system as tags instead of pools.

Agree. It's a typical verbal tick and should be tagged.

The problem, if you ever translated marisa's speech, and japanese in general, is that Ze is actually used a lot in colloquial japanese. I can't bring myself to just tagging Marisa's ze, and not everyone's, let alone identifying which should be tagged and which should not.

Tag it only if it is said by female characters? It seems to be used a lot to make a girl's speech appear more boyish.

(if this needs discussion beyond 3 forum posts, a new thread for it would be better)

Nials said:
The problem, if you ever translated marisa's speech, and japanese in general, is that Ze is actually used a lot in colloquial japanese. I can't bring myself to just tagging Marisa's ze, and not everyone's, let alone identifying which should be tagged and which should not.

The pool description lists the following criteria:
1. (da) ze is written in romaji for emphasis;

2. (da) ze is all that is being said;

3. (da) ze has a separate speech bubble or appears as a separate "side comment" outside the actual bubble.

Applying these or similar criteria to the tag would help keep things under control.

pool #4848: Perpendicular Paizuri
This would be better suited as a tag, perpendicular_paizuri.

pool #3116: Perpendicular Penetration
Very ill-defined; only 4 images; falls under cowgirl_position tag.

pool #1787: Touhou - Convenient Cirno
pool #3739: Touhou - Convenient Mokou
Wouldn't these be better off moved to pool #4538 (Mundane Utility)?
These specific cases could then be found with pool:4538 cirno or pool:4538 fujiwara_no_mokou.
The only problem is that those would include cases of Mundane Utility where Cirno/Mokou are just in the background or something, but there are almost none of those.

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