pool #5808 - Touhou - Mamizou in Disguise
Whatever happened to that pool mod que idea?
Posted under General
pool #5808 - Touhou - Mamizou in Disguise
Whatever happened to that pool mod que idea?
pool #5783 Rule of Cool
Similar but not quite to the Badass and Manly pools.
Pics that make you think, "Cool monster design. I would like to fight some thing like this." Basically, a subdivision of nightmare fuel that is less on the nightmare sides, more of the COOL, AWESOME!
Subdivisions of pools are redundant.
pool #3450 - 3LDKM Season 2 - bkub
With the advent of Season 3, I wanted to update the original pool only to find that it was divided into two pools for each of the previous seasons.
Rather than have three pools for the same comic, I went ahead and compiled them into the first pool (marking the first page of each season), so this pool is now redundant.
pool #6107 - Sketches [Faustsketcher]
Don't see the point of noting the images that are labeled "Sketch #xx" on a different website. No connection between images.
pool #6164 - Everbody loves Mami
Empty pool, no context, and a typo to boot.
pool #5958 - Empowerment of Sweaters!!
Hasn't gone anywhere past one post in the past two months since it was created, so there's no need to keep this.
pool #6118 - Handsome Ladies
"Pictures of good-looking, charismatic girls go here. Nice pluses are charming, or cool smiles, well-trained bodies, gallant poses, suits etc."
The pool's definition is way too vague/broad. In its current state it is pretty much a favourites pool.
pool #6120 - Charismatic Adult Transformations
"Pool for beautiful, maybe even quite unexpected adult or teenage transformations for characters usually depicted more childish or similar to that.
The appearance of the grown up character should be clearly more graceful. Only the best ones go here, quality advised."
Adult favourites pool?
It is very similar to pool #6118, and was created by the same user too.
pool #6194 - Non-consensual yuri
Are you tired of cute mutual girl love? Ever want a blend between rape and Yuri, or some hot Yuri fanservice?
The pool description says it all, yuri -mutual_yuri and yuri rape. mutual_yuri, of course, needs to be tagged on a lot more images than it currently is.
pool #6195 - Need Mental Help
When you know that they need some mental help or just plane insane.
And I still don't see the reason to have pool #2352 (short-haired Tenshi) even after the clean-up.
pool #1874 - Column Like You See 'Em
Moved to column_lineup some time ago, but the mover didn't empty out its deleted posts.
pool #6240 - 2392inoue jun'ichi
Autogenerated, empty
pool #6179 - Duplicate of pool #2640; I emptied out the former in favor of the latter.
pool #6257
Accidentally created this while trying to add a post to a pool.
Ok this is just getting out of hand:
pool #6117 - Perfect Anus
The last time I checked, this site is about pictures, not comments.
pool #6271
Reewee said:
Ok this is just getting out of hand:
pool #6117 - Perfect Anus
I wonder if there'll be a "Perfect Pinky" one day...
Reewee said:
Ok this is just getting out of hand:
pool #6117 - Perfect Anus
It's not in any way more pointless or more subjective than all the other "Perfect" pools though. If we tolerate those, there's no reason not to tolerate this one...
...which is why they must ALL go.