post #9000000 GET!

Pointless Pools

Posted under General

pool #6282 Touhou - Trollsuke

Should we really start allowing pools about singular fan personalities given to a specific character? I feel that would be opening up a can of worms, especially considering the amount in touhou alone.

Maybe just consolidate all the goddamnit pools into one general "God Damn It, X" pool for this kind of thing.

Explosion said:
pool #6282 Touhou - Trollsuke

Should we really start allowing pools about singular fan personalities given to a specific character? I feel that would be opening up a can of worms, especially considering the amount in touhou alone.

pool #6274 too, "Motherly Yuuka".

It's time to get a lid on this, people are thinking this is already allowed at this rate.

I agree about those individual Touhou character pools. They really should go. They are not popular and well established traits either. It's all right with Kaguya having a pool about being a NEET dedicated to her, since that portrayal is popular and widely known, and there's no NEET tag either.


I tihnk the neet pool for kaguya ( pool #2813 Touhou - Houraisan Kaguya - The Neet Princess ) should go since there is a neet tag, on the other hand, describing who is a neet and who is not doesn't necessarily seem that clear cut to me. I think the neet tag needs a bit more work first as in, a better description.

What I mean is for instance, if post #527016 wasn't kaguya but another character from whoever knows what series, then I'm almost sure this wouldn't have been tagged as NEET nor added to a neet pool, since watching a movie on a computer isn't necessarily limited to NEETs

I actually like the kaguya neet pool's description even though it's aimed at kaguya specifically. It shouldn't be overly hard to make it less character specific though.

pool #6297 - Mama Shinki

Seriously, we have to do something before this gets out of hand... At this rate, someone is going to create pools like Eiki slacking off, Kasen being a wicked hermit, Reimu receiving donations, and even something as random and pointless as Wriggle planning to over the world using bugs...

And on the side note, why is Petting Girls still not deleted yet?

Those "motherly" pools aren't completely invalid, but having a seperate pool for each character is a little redundant. They look like they could due with being merged together, too.

I do say some of those pools are warranted, though. Specially the ones for more common well-known/defined personality/trait memes that can't be easily searched out with two tags.

Also I'd like to bring up pool #2193 "corrupted by evil". "Touhou + dark_persona", along with its small size make it a good candidate for deletion. Not all pixiv tags need a pool.


pool #5984 -Touhou - Insanely Detailed Costumes

Most of the contents featured detailed costumes but pool #4983 (Exquisite Clothes) kinda defeat its purpose. Tag use is more practical.

The characters of Touhou are drawn with unbelievable amounts of details to thier costumes.

pool:4983 touhou

Alternate costumes are fine but, they must have sufficient amount of resemblance to their normal costumes.

adapted_costume or embellished_costume

Since both pool contents are redundant, I'm in favor of content transfer and pool #5984 deletion.

pool #6389, technically pron
i was working on the pool idea for a while and decided to make it today. but in practice, i realized the idea was already part of Feral Instincts.
pool #6332, 2+2=fish
made it on a whim and i feel like the idea of a character improperly doing a math problem could easily be a tag.

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