MyrMindservant said:
IMO, this is a good idea. Maybe except "including the uploader" part, it's rather convenient to be able to see what you personally have uploaded before.
At least removing "by user xxxxxxxx" and "user:xxxxxx" things from the interface, for everyone below Mods perhaps, would already help somewhat.
I added that mainly because it would still continue as long as it's there. This whole thing has been suggested before, and it more or less came down to "there is more things that actually need fixing".
Alternatively, we could make the uploader status dynamic, so that if someone has uploaded already present image with twice as many general tags it had before, he would be credited instead of the first user.
This was suggested before too, although yes people could always tag with dummy tags, it's very easy to point out such users that do such a thing.
HNTI said:
- facepalm *
Sorry, it just made me laugh a bit. It sounds like you feel sorry for your bot, because it won't get a post or two -_-.
The entire idea of this bot is to make it so it won't happen in the first place, having it check 24h later is completely useless in this regard.
Today, quite wacky idea came to my mind, what if somebody else try to compete with your bot and make its own bot and Danbooru will be just a playground for them, huh?
Right, because that really wouldn't just be making a bot for the sake of "first". "Oh there is another bot running, so I'll make a bot to make sure I get first".
If I gave a damn about such a thing, I wouldn't even need a bot.
Shinjidude said:
The problem is that removing the uploader's credit does the same thing that the auto-upload script does in taking away the competition, the prestige, and the ego boost that comes from being most successful at uploading images. It would make the same people just as angry, and by what they are saying, drive a large number of otherwise active members away from the site.
True, but having it also does the exact same thing. Another idea would be to simply be able to set a post manually to "Uploaded by Anonymous" or something similar if it is minimally uploaded. Could be limited to mod+ and posts where it happened could be found with the same list that was suggested earlier. It would deter people from doing it if they knew it would happen. Not exactly something hard to implement either.
If there is a problem, and we did want to change it without driving users off, we'd have to somehow make sure people who violate policy get punished and people who go out of their way to find good content from less easily parsed and discovered sources get rewarded. Both are difficult to do automatically, and automatic is the only way that would really work with a userbase as large as ours.
Difficult but possible. Could probably find most good users by doing an search on an external copy of the danbooru DB for anything the user has uploaded that isn't from an "easy" site, then filter by artist to see if they were the first one to upload from there.
Could be a bit confusing to actually do though.
Moreover, any reward would have to be greater than the perceived reward of being first, which we don't have many means to provide. An account upgrade can only be done with very good posters, and is a one-time thing. A positive record is more or less a pat on the head, and also can't be given out continuously.
True, this is a job without reward. Everyone uploads for their own reasons. Although a reward system would help in some cases, it would probably cause more problems like the problems we already have. Not exactly a good thing.
There is better things that need implemented anyway.
HNTI said:
And how do you imagine user interface, without its history of uploads, to get a promotion ?
I did say "below mod", meaning the only people who should need to actually see this kind of thing can see it. It wouldn't be hard to make a few extra tools to help point out users who should and shouldn't be promoted either. It isn't like people need to see who uploads an image anyway.