
Pointless Pools

Posted under General

These get deleted very quickly, an hour after being posted (on a weekday afternoon) the last one posted is already done.

It always makes me wary we are deleting useful information without making sure it's still properly accessible.

Are these getting retagged appropriately prior to being deleted? (it's impossible to verify after deletion).

Also (though I can't verify this either) it sounds as though that tag search won't work. First, it's not possible to do a ~(caught looking_at_viewer) ~walk-in search. Second, neither caught nor walk-in specify if it is the viewer or a 3rd party catching the act or walking into the scene, or if the one(s) caught know or care.

Looking at viewer only works if it's assumed the viewer is the one catching them in the act as a pov (post #243853 fulfills the query, but not the spirit of the pool). Neither specifies that the person/people being caught are aware of it. The pool would suggest they have to be aware and take offense to it (so say post #868718 under caught shouldn't fit the pool).

We take days deliberating tag usage elsewhere. Why are we always so gung ho and trigger happy when it comes to deleting pools?

Actually, that's been bothering me a lot in this thread. By the time I pull it up every day or two, many of the pools in question are already gone, and I can't tell what they were originally for (especially when someone just posts the pool number and not the name).

Can there be a longer waiting period on this for debate?

I tagged looking_at_viewer where it was missing before reporting this pool, and I always check for such things before posting here. Assuming whoever deletes pools also checks for himself and verifies that the pool is really pointless and that everything's tagged properly if the concept is taggable, I'd say there's enough justification for the pool to be deleted immediately.

Having said that, I think keeping at least some information about the pool after it's been deleted (like who the creator was or which posts it contained) might not be a bad idea.

I guess I've de facto abandoned this thread to Log, not officially, but by virtue of being so slow to check it and him handling it fine. By and large I think he's making the same choices I would have but I haven't scrutinized every one or anything.

It's like people don't even read the thread. Give pool's name and explain what it's about! Don't just give the pool's number. Here:

NeoChaos said:
pool #2164 - censor fail.

For when the convenient censoring is placed incorrectly or too small, the steam isn't thick enough, or any other case in which the key area shouldn't actually be considered covered.

This can be covered by pointless censoring.

Now, from the pointless censoring wiki: "Censorship in an image that completely fails to properly conceal the object in question, or, in rarer cases, censoring something that doesn't need to be censored."

Pointless censoring is when you can see the important part despite the censor. pool #2164's is when the artist has tried to use convenient censoring, hasn't covered the important part, yet we still can't see it. i.e. We're left looking at bare skin, wondering where her nipples are.

The pool should possibly be redefined to include any censor, not just the convenient kind, and possibly means the image is bad anatomy worthy.

It's definitely tag material though, but needs a clearer definition. Here's my attempt at the current definition:

Convenient censor fail
For when the convenient censoring reveals too much, yet it seems there's nothing to cover.

The censor is placed incorrectly, the text isn't thick enough, the angle is wrong, the arm is a little too far left, the leaf is too small, the steam isn't thick enough, the shirt is pulled up too far or not pulled down far enough. Any image that leaves us staring a bare skin, wondering where her nipples/crotch/etc are.


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