
Plural to Singular alias request thread

Posted under General

At minimum such an alias should be delayed until what to do with it is sorted out. There is very clearly a specific type of image that is under the lights tag, but at the same time the tag is currently cluttered with a variety of other kinds of images.

regarding lights and light, i agree that a proper working definition must be given soon enough to avoid piling up of more posts. both entries are quite large enough and it will be a bit hard for those who'll attempt to check and clean it (if we are going to maintain them separately).

another one:

hands_on_chest -> hand_on_chest

reason: the wiki definition already includes either one or both hands.

a similar fashion could be done with the following, however the wiki definition needs to be updated to accomodate the change:
hands_to_chest -> hand_to_chest

and somewhat a related tag implications:
breast_suppress -> hands_to_chest
breast_suppress -> hand_to_chest

Hillside Moose said:
The idea of hand_to_chest is for images such as post #933402, post #935828, and post #935721.

ok, thanks, i see your point. and maybe you're referring to hands_to_chest instead since the posts mentioned seem to support it?

but if we are truly maintaining the importance of the number of hands involved, would it make any difference if we make a breast_suppress for one hand only too, for the sake of consistency of all breast/chest-related terms?

the wiki definition mentions both hands. but it contains posts where there is only one hand like post #3821 post #81102 post #132114 or only one is at least visible like post #220092 post #214629.

another suggestions:
crates -> crate
cuffs -> cuff


chairs -> chair
bandages_over_one_eye -> bandage_over_one_eye
crates -> crate

cuff -> cuffs
-- I think this is often enough a natural pair to stick with the plural.

As for hand(s) to chest, I can see keeping single and plural separate, like with hips.

In that case, can't implicate breast_suppress to one of them because either could be used.

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