There were a lot of good things said in the previous thread.
Especially forum #44638 and forum #44678.
albert said:
I find myself increasingly relying on order:rank and the popular pages and ignoring the main listing completely.
I could understand how someone only interested in popular content would say that, however I don't understand how you can given the nature of your uploads.
You're already proving that a large part of the stuff you like completely evades popularity metrics.
I don't think the main listing is getting worse. If anything I feel like janitors are filtering more and more because they naturally grow bored of art. Uploaders seem less likely to however (some will apparently never reach contrib, and rare contribs IMO still seem to apply the old standards).
There sure is a lot of stuff in the main listing that I'd rather not see, but only a small part of it that I'd call bad art (and not enough to warrant flagging), while the huge majority are simply series I don't know or don't like on a personal level, or various comics I'll never have the time to read.
I figure out it must be the same for most users. Lots of variety in tastes overall. And so I don't think there's much improvement to make.
albert said:
At this point what you want is art that was good enough to pass the binary decision of approval/rejection. I think order:rank is good enough to give you the same thing.
You'd rely on +1 favs from paid privs rather than janitors' judgement.
I don't think any tweaking of order:rank could equal what janitors and contribs do. In fact the purposes are so different that I don't think they can even be compared.
- You'd miss too many posts that were ignored but that you like. Once again, your own uploads already show that well enough.
Personally, I'd say half of the content I save comes from areas largely deserted by the masses.
- The bad posts would still resurface whenever you stop using rank, keeping the site "unclean" in the end.
- New uploaders would lose necessary feedback ("you're allowed to post non-ToS crap because people using rank won't know").
- You'd incite uploaders to aim for popularity rather than quality (at least, for the percentage that will ever know about rank).
If the way you use rank means "I just want a quick view of the top stuff and I'm fine with missing everything else", I must say I'd lose a lot if I started doing the same.