スラッシュ said:
3/4th?! Are you sure you're not adding the contributor uploads? Last time I checked we approved about 10%. (Where do we get statistics like that? I can't find anything on Danbooru anymore)
Did that all manually from approver:X date:Y..Z tag searches. I don't know if there's an easier way (available to a non-mod at least).
I stack up counts from every users with approval powers at a given time and compare the total with the number of posts uploaded and deleted during that frame.
Tbh I've been surprised as well that the ratio was this high, but I don't see what I could have done wrong.
For example, last month's approvals add up to 344 pages (a few more now with stuff getting undeleted afterwards).
- Active posts = 850 pages
- Deleted posts = 93 pages
- Total pages submitted to moderation = approved pages + deleted pages = 437 pages
% pages approved / pages reviewed = 344 / 437 = 79% (ranges 70-88% over the past months)
- Auto-approved posts = active pages - approved pages = 506 pages
Overall, approvers review 50% of danbooru's uploads, the other 50% being auto-approved.
After queued posts have been moderated, they make up 44% of the active posts.
I don't know where your 10% would come from.
(Outright posting of a table would be kind of uncalled for I guess, so pardon me for throwing numbers.)
スラッシュ said:
[rest of the post]
I hear you very well on everything.
Approvers who scan the mod queue more frequently naturally find more interesting stuff, which in turn can make others' activity look lower than it actually is.
So you have people with around the same standards than the top approvers who tend to get overshadowed, and you also have people with definitely higher standards for which top approvers make little difference.
You can tell the latter ones apart because they have overall higher quality approvals, usually approve posts very quickly after they were uploaded (or not at all), and consistently appear in the very first names when favoriting new posts.
The first category of these people could somewhat support top approvers going missing (like it's currently happening), but the second couldn't at all.
With a system where people with lower standards hold more power, when your stardards are higher what's your contribution as a janitor at the end of the day?
As I said in my previous post, where the bar should be set is necessarily subjective.
My personal stance is that it's rather the bottom approvers being too strict than the top approvers being too lax, which therefore makes me wish the bottom approvers would lower the bar to cover for casual activy drops from the top approvers.
I want to award a rec to NWF_Renim for consistently handling 10-20% of danbooru's approvals alone over the past year, but other approvers would surely find this to be utterly wrong.
I can't really say myself who does the best job, I just know he does a lot, and I believe separating the wheat from the chaff is a harder task than simply picking top class material like several do.
(And welcome to kyoh_.)