
Tag Discussion: style tags for socks/kneehighs/thighhighs

Posted under General

Interesting stuff. If these new tags do their thing, I'm assuming pool #1445 will become unnecessary. Ever since I made it I've wondered if I should've just suggested more specific tags instead.
The multicolored_legwear tag is nice too. Seems it would take care of any of the stranger combinations that pop up.

God damn I have been undoing changes on and off since about 9am this morning and I still have no idea if the end is in sight. Maybe soon...

I'm not sure why I said I could reverse 1000 at a time, obviously the tag history was dropped to 250/page a while ago.

Anyway, will continue tomorrow. I've been able to work backwards to 3/16 22:56 PM at least. When the hell did I start? I wish timestamps were more precise.

Edit - Oh shit, wait, I pressed on a bit more and finally got to the end. About fucking time, yay. I'll finish the color ones tomorrow.


Worry not, we're all human here (at least I think that most of us are human, not too sure about a few users though).
It might take a bit to get used to the new tagging style since like Coconut I too had a whole list of tags set up to easily identify colored legwear.

If more comments had come about it ^_^;;

So is this going to be a problem and should it be discussed by notification and Albert? As it seems to be inconveniencing to some, such as Tag Subscriptions, which I honestly wasn't thinking about. My focus was about cutting down on Style names, Tagging and Searching.

And I don't want to waste peoples time, especially jxh2154 who pretty much breaking sleep and work for it, oyi. I don't mind being blamed. As implicating instead of aliasing seemed to be a better idea.


RiderFan said:
The only thing (that I can think of) that needs to be re-implicated is the fishnets tag with fishnet_pantyhose.

Ah, done. I thought I'd left those alone but must have deleted that one. Well, unless we're doing fishnet_legwear?

I'd still prefer to go through with the new scheme, using xx_legwear + type. I mean, separating by color in the first place is something we don't do this extensively for other types of clothing, so it already having 65+ tags for various colored legwear seemed quite unusual.

Subscriptions are a valid argument but I think the solution there is more that we ought to be able to subscribe to combinations of tags, e.g. "black_legwear thighhighs" instead of just one or the other tag. That wold cut out the need to create such incredibly specific tags as "purple_leggings" in the first place.

Alright then. I've gone completely through pool #1445 now with the new tags. I'll post it in the Pointless Pool thread after the rest of the tags get pushed through properly.

I also went through all of the argyle related tags. I'll try to hit some others tomorrow.

zigzag said:
Alright then. I've gone completely through pool #1445 now with the new tags. I'll post it in the Pointless Pool thread after the rest of the tags get pushed through properly.

Personally I don't think it should be totally wiped off the map. It could easily be renamed to something like Uncommonly Styled Legwear and feature posts like post #417996 (NSFW), post #737815, or post #638682. The pool would still need to be gutted, but I think it could be worth it.

Sorry, been busy with a side project.
@zigzag' I wouldn't delete that pool especially if it is focusing on unique types of legwear. Once the rest of the multicolored and prints tags are caught up it will be a lot of pages and repeats of the same character or even originals, so it seems having a pool filters things a bit.

I think fishnets current set up works nicely, as it is the most minimal of the style tags. And fishnets is the dominate tag.

Still kind of worried I may have messed up some steps for people. ^.^ But anyway, are site transfers (not sure what it is called) still being done on the tags, or can I tag without something messing up?

Actually the problem is probably that people don't even know about these changes and are still tagging stuff with blue_socks, black_thighhighs, ect. and thinking the now nonexistent implications will take care of it. The only thing to fix that would be dmailing a link to this thread to them whenever you catch it happening.

I just finished going through striped_pantyhose and vertical-striped_pantyhose. Lots of them needed color tags, so I threw those in too. I'll try to get to the rest of the vertical-striped tags tomorrow.

ShadowbladeEdge said:
Actually the problem is probably that people don't even know about these changes and are still tagging stuff with blue_socks, black_thighhighs, ect. and thinking the now nonexistent implications will take care of it.

Which is slightly odd because not every previous style tag was implicated to a legwear in the first place. They were largely the *_thighhighs, as that is the most common legwear on site.
Okay, since zigzag is tagging without issue, I will get to it as well. Working on the Prints and other patterns.


It's true that many people have yet to realize the tag change or are just relying on others to fix the tags for them. I've contacted a few in order for them to fix their tagging practices.

The tags for torn_pantyhose and fishnet_pantyhose are no longer implicating pantyhose, so I those are the last of the classic implications that need to be fixed.


Hate to bring up this seemingly painful thread again, but I think some more mod-tastic brute-forcing may be in order. If one goes to the Tags page and searches for "*thighhighs", there's quite a few of the colors left. Particularly the ever-popular white. However, if one clicks on white_thighhighs and opens one of the posts, it will correctly display white_legwear+thighhighs. I'm guessing the database is still choking on it a bit?

Are deleted images one of the issues for the tag remaining?

When I open up an image tagged with white_thighhighs, I can see white_thighhighs tag clearly with no white_legwear tag to be seen. Indeed likely because the transfer wasn't very smooth, and jxh2154 had to do undo it then redo it.

EDIT: Now I can see it, the *_thighhighs stays a bit on new images, but for old images (up to the 100 pages) it seems to be hanging on... like a phantom tag. It seems to flip back and forth between the individual color tag and the legwear tag.



unicogirl said:
EDIT: Now I can see it, the *_thighhighs stays a bit on new images, but for old images (up to the 100 pages) it seems to be hanging on... like a phantom tag. It seems to flip back and forth between the individual color tag and the legwear tag.

Most likely depends on which server you're being served by. That's a common problem in large implications and aliases.

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