
Tag Discussion: style tags for socks/kneehighs/thighhighs

Posted under General

It is poor tagging practice to automatically alias all legwear colors with thighhighs/pantyhose/kneehighs. Not all the images contain such clothing and thus should not be aliased as such.


Oh shit there was a kink in the system nobody saw coming, the colored legwear implications needed to be deleted first because the stupid automigration moved them all.


ah darn.
How odd, I thought the thighhighs/pantyhose/kneehighs/socks etc were separate. Has this happened before with other 'Aliasing'? Or is it the 'Implication' that is the problem, as I remember some of the color_thighhighs / color_socks would trigger "thighhighs" "socks" automatically.

If it is major, I will help out to fix it manually, sorry about this. I PM'd jxh2154 to make sure to hold off on others and see what went wrong.


albert may have to undo it all, he should hypothetically have a quick way to it.

The problem is there were blue/green/grey/etc thighhighs/socks implications to thighhighs and after the aliases were submitted it moved them to blue/green/grey/etc legwear -> thighhighs/socks implication which ... yeah, isn't right.


RiderFan said: It is poor tagging practice to automatically alias all legwear colors with thighhighs/pantyhose/kneehighs. Not all the images contain such clothing and thus should not be aliased as such.

Well yeah, obviously it wasn't intentional.

As mentioned, there were implications I was unaware of that were already in place for some (only a small percentage of... but generally the big ones) the color_type tags. So when I did a whole bunch of aliases from color_type to color_legwear, the implications updated automatically, incorrectly adding loads of incorrect tags as color_legwear replaced all the color_type implications. Automated implication replacement is generally really nice but could totally use a warning message.

Just let them be for now - I can undo tag changes 1000 at a time, and the undo keeps both the proper type tags and the color_legwear tags.

I've already done about 8000 or so, but I'm really late for work already so I need to wait until I get home tonight to do the rest.

RiderFan said: I'll do what I can from this end.

Don't do anything quite yet; I decided to log in from work after all so I'm currently running through it reversing 1k at a time. There's a lot though... not sure how much farther I have left to go but I'll finish it today.

I haven't submitted ALL the color aliases yet (thankfully), so I'll finish those off after I do the reverts.

I also preemptively nuked the remaining implications that could cause issues when I get to style/pattern/etc.

The aliases are fine and will remain; I just need to clean up the many thousands of tag edits I'd already done. Still going... probably got a bunch more pages left, and each one takes a couple minutes to undo. (Plus busy with real work stuff.)

I have a couple color aliases I still need to do (they were erroring out like crazy last night so I had to submit some of them upwards of a dozen times) and after that the styles/etc, but they should be fine when I do them, now that the implications gone.

The aliases that I did not submit (or rather, need to submit again since they broke partway) are:

black_thighhighs (5432) black_legwear (9263)
white_kneehighs (461) white_legwear (1668)
white_pantyhose (1740) white_legwear (1668)
white_socks (567) white_legwear (1668)

So those might be funky until I get them finished.

Also, if someone can double-check me and look at the socks, thighhighs, leggings, pantyhose and kneehighs implications that still exist and make sure I didn't leave any that would cause problems, that'd be helpful.

RiderFan said:
The faulty implications are gone, so for a while now I've been going through the affected images and correcting them.

The reason I was asking people to hold off was because I'm just undoing my changes en masse - hopefully when I undo a change it's not undoing any fixes you're doing. I still don't have a great grasp on how a tag undo interacts with a later tag change. If it shouldn't cause any issues, then I guess that's fine.

Hopefully Loose_socks doesn't cause a problem, as it is implicated to socks. Some images are still a bit scrambled, but only a few pages for each- color wise. Half are from people tagging numerous hosiery regardless if there is only one present in the image.

Like if someone views kneehighs as thighhighs depending on the length, then there are loose kneehighs tagged as socks or such. Colors appearing black, so it'll be tagged as blue.

There is also that sock_pull tag, which I think was implicated to socks, so the image it was on had pantyhose. This was due to the action presented.

Wonder if this should be tested with colors for a bit before moving on to patterns and such.


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