Regarding the shitstorm in post #186289, can we get an official policy against using accents in tags?
We don't use a cedilla in ZnT Louise's name (per albert's decision, no less), because nobody would ever think to type it, and even if by some miracle they did you should NOT have to memorize an alt+#### sequence or start>run>charmap to type a tag. This is no different.
Unless one of two things are viable options, accents should be taboo:
1) If the name is unique enough that you can simply alias an unaccented version to an accented version, so people can continue to use the readily accessible version. We could technically do this for Louise if we had a cedilla fetish.
2) Similarly, if danbooru can be programmed to automagically search ấ, ầ, ẩ, ẫ, ậ, ắ, ẳ, ả, ā, ă, à, á, â, ã, ä, å, and whatever else as well when a user types in 'a'.
The former does the same as the latter (just manually on a case by case basis) and with less hassle for albert. I suggest that one. Actually, I suggest killing accents with fire, but barring that, there must be an option to type the tag normally and find the accented version.
But since tags are still generally intended to be unique when possible, aliasing won't work for something like "ángel". In this situation, the only reasonable decision is to add a qualifier at the end.
Updated by albert