
Translation request thread

Posted under General

sgcdonmai said:
Thanks, and any help would be appreciated. Some help with post #815386 (Kaguya's words of wisdom, in particular) would be nice.

You're welcome.

It sounds like a translated (to Japanese) quote from some religious scripture. (either from Buddhism or Christianity, methinks.) I'm drawing a blank right now though.

In any case it seems like Kaguya was quoting something... and she probably butchered it to suit her purposes.

Presumably Eirin is mad at Kaguya for gross plagiarism and/or misrepresentation.

Also, shouldn't 「月の民ならずとも」 be translated as "Even those who are not people of the moon"? 「ず」 looks like a negation particle here (similar to 「ない」), but I'm not entirely sure.


NNescio said:
Also, shouldn't 「月の民ならずとも」 be translated as "Even those who are not people of the moon"? 「ず」 looks like a negation particle here (similar to 「ない」), but I'm not entirely sure.

I'm not really sure if it's supposed to be that or a variant on ならず者.

sgcdonmai said:
I'm not really sure if it's supposed to be that or a variant on ならず者.

A 'compound' word like that would probably cause a sound shift from 「とも」 to 「ども」, 'though this is just a gut feeling of mine.

On a side note, should we create a new thread just so we don't take up too many posts on a single series?


NNescio said:
A 'compound' word like that would probably cause a sound shift from 「とも」 to 「ども」, 'though this is just a gut feeling of mine.

Yeah, I think you're right. Changed it.

On a side note, should we create a new thread just so we don't take up too many posts on a single series?

If we have another big discussion like this, that might be a good idea.

ROMaster2 said:
translation_request order:score is a good list to check, since in some aspect it has the most unvoiced requests for translation.

Oddly, there are three Cirno hentai images on the first page, and a high proportion of explicit images in general. Not that I have anything against explicit images, but that's a rather interesting observation nonetheless.

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