post #9000000 GET!

Comment abuse report thread

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As the guy who made the poor joke on the wiki, I apologize. I decided to check the wiki for Mami and for a second I actually read it as no head. Then I had to do it. :P

Regarding the Spoilers per se, how to deal with it if Danbooru doesn't support spoiler on the images themselves? with posts like post #838081 and #853157 showing in a tomoe_mami search everybody will figure what happens.

_cf said:
Regarding the Spoilers per se, how to deal with it if Danbooru doesn't support spoiler on the images themselves? with posts like post #838081 and #853157 showing in a tomoe_mami search everybody will figure what happens.

People who don't want to see spoilers can blacklist the spoilers tag.

_cf said:
With posts like post #838081 and #853157 showing in a tomoe_mami search everybody will figure what happens.


Marking spoilers is common sense. I watched the show and not sensitive to spoilers at all, but seeing people blatantly being thoughtless is irritating.

post #838081 is not a spoiler, but dandan's comment doesn't help.


There are 2 different kinds of spoilers I know of:
1. the image contains spoilers
gets the spoiler tag

2. the image is spoiler-free
people who get the "context" are stupid enough to tell everyone that it's a spoiler because it's "sooo clever" and then even add it to the pool #330, so that EVERYONE KNOWS IT'S A SPOILER. Really!? Hilarious in Hindsight? (post #850639, post #848339). I can't vote down enough. Images need the spoiler tag because some users couldn't shut up.
If you understand the context, shut up and enjoy it.

edit: deleted my record on _cf as 1 record for 1 offense is enough.


S1eth said:
post #838081 is not a spoiler, but dandan's comment doesn't help.

Having seen that after seeing post #454368, I figured the yukkuri was a joke for this kind of situation.

I never watched Madoka or School Days (I'm here for the Touhou), and I learned all the spoilerific stuff about both shows right here in Danbooru, by seeing the pictures the japanese tend to do about key events, seconds after they happen. So, good thing Dogenzaka pointed to the spoiler tag. I'll make sure to keep the lulzy stuff properly tagged from now on.

_cf said:
As the guy who made the poor joke on the wiki, I apologize. I decided to check the wiki for Mami and for a second I actually read it as no head. Then I had to do it. :P

This is not the attitude you show after somebody points out you spoil a show you haven't even seen, FFS. It's not :P, and it's not lulzy. It's fucking rude. You blew your chance at evading the ban.

S1eth said:
It's useless. Spoilers are everywhere.

post #854782
Schrobby (quotes makkun)

poor joke on "No page currently exists." (spoiler) in this wiki

Both banned, wiki deleted, _cf also banned as you can see from this thread.

S1eth said:
post #838081 is not a spoiler, but dandan's comment doesn't help.

Gave a warning.

2. the image is spoiler-free
people who get the "context" are stupid enough to tell everyone that it's a spoiler because it's "sooo clever" and then even add it to the pool #330, so that EVERYONE KNOWS IT'S A SPOILER. Really!? Hilarious in Hindsight? (post #850639, post #848339).

Banned and warned the idiots involved.

Heparine said:
Spoiling the whole plot up to now in one comment takes a talent.

post #855795

Sadly I can't bring the justice right now, since I'm not up to date yet myself, so I won't even consider looking that way. I'd appreciate if somebody who's seen it already dished out some appropriately harsh punishment.

葉月 said:
Sadly I can't bring the justice right now, since I'm not up to date yet myself, so I won't even consider looking that way. I'd appreciate if somebody who's seen it already dished out some appropriately harsh punishment.

Would love to since I'm up to date with it now thanks to people spoiling it.. And many thanks for getting rid of the spoiling idiots in other threads also.

I've been trawling through recent Madoka posts the past day or so deleting probably 100 comments comments that are not outright spoilers but still too revealing, an deleting+banning (min 2 weeks) for outright blatant spoilers.

I can't look at anything Madoka-related immediately after each airing however, because I much prefer the group that releases a day or two later, and because I have absolutely no time to watch anime on Thursdays anyway.

But it's definitely something I want to crack down on, given how big Madoka is here and how incredibly prone to visual spoilers it is.

As a fallout of my last round of bans, I want to discuss the behaviour of Schrobby. S/he was one of the people banned for quoting spoiling comments. However, s/he apparently went directly to albert, who then promptly removed his/her ban, and only then s/he bothered to contact me (complaining that he had no idea why he was banned). The problem with this is that I was the one who knows the reason for the ban, and albert had no way to check the history with the offending comments having been deleted. Thus Schrobby effectively evaded the ban by misrepresenting his situation to albert instead of contacting me.

My question here is twofold:

  • Should I treat it the same as plain ban evasion and thus give him/her an extended ban? Ordinarily I'd say yes, but s/he did contact me, and I wouldn't have found out otherwise, so in a way it'd be punishing for honesty.
  • Could we adopt an official, explicit policy of not interferring with other mods' administrative decisions without contacting the mod in question first (barring an extended leave (more than, say, 24h without reply) when it's otherwise impossible to determine the justification for a dubious decision)? The point is specifically to include albert in this policy, as he simply has no time (and historically, inclination) to consider carefully each individual case, and is thus relatively easy to trick into reverting a deserved punishment.
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