
Pointless Pools

Posted under General

Hillside_Moose said:
pool #1480 - "Tail and Ass"

Combination of pool #1214 ("Dat Ass!") + tail

Just glancing at the first and second last page it seems that it is only about a 30% overlap.

KWSN said:
pool #323 - Lets Make Touhou Kids!

Essentially touhou if_they_mated

Well if the description is still accurate it was a specific project on Pixiv. It might have now gone far beyond what it was intended. Would pruning back to the original subject matter be better?

r0d3n7z said:
In favor of pruning back to original Pixiv project.

What about pictures which are clearly touhou kids, but not tagged as such on pixiv / not from pixiv? IMHO we shouldn't necessarily limit our pools to exact mirrors of pixiv if the concept embodied is easy to identify and explain.

Hillside_Moose said:
That's nice.

>> I'd rather see Dat Ass! gone than this.
i.e. why haven't you reported Dat Ass! instead.

Hillside_Moose said:
User rank has no bearing on a pool's legitimacy. An explanation might help though.

>> And it's a janitor pool.
i.e. as a janitor you can expect he probably had a good reason to start it.

Because we've already established that pools for quality images of specific body parts (ass, breasts, feet, etc.) are okay.

...Though I wouldn't object to a name change to something that isn't a retarded internet meme (Like "Perfect Asses" to go with "Perfect Feet" and "Perfect Breasts").

Cyberia-Mix said:
why haven't you reported Dat Ass! instead.

It was already brought up over a year ago, but inertia took over and nothing was done. If you object to pool #1214 - "Dat Ass!", then feel free to report it again in a new post.

as a janitor you can expect he probably had a good reason to start it.

Again with the appeal to authority. pool #1480 - "Tail and Ass" is a subjective pool, and there is not much that distinguishes it from being "Dat Ass! with tails". If Bapabooiee wishes to present an argument for keeping it, fine, but merely being a janitor does not give the pool a free pass.

葉月 said:
What about pictures which are clearly touhou kids, but not tagged as such on pixiv / not from pixiv? IMHO we shouldn't necessarily limit our pools to exact mirrors of pixiv if the concept embodied is easy to identify and explain.

There was a pool on here recently (the Sakuya Childhood one) that was originally supposed to relate to a certain fanon (like pool #1174) but ended up getting out of hand and included every possible picture of a young Sakuya (and thus deleted). If it's going to be just the pixiv project, I say keep it, but if it's going to be all kids of Touhou characters, then don't since a simple tag search will take care of it.

Hillside_Moose said:
Principle of the pool is still "quality asses with tails." Pointing out minimal overlap does not change anything.

What I was getting at is that it was that it might not be just Dat Ass! + tails.

Looking at the description of Dat Ass! it is specific that the posterior has to be round and full. Does "quality asses with tails" require this or can less pronounced posteriors + tails suffice.

There is some definite Dat Ass! in there, but there is also a fair bit that does not fit that description.


Algasir said:
Because we've already established that pools for quality images of specific body parts (ass, breasts, feet, etc.) are okay.

...Though I wouldn't object to a name change to something that isn't a retarded internet meme (Like "Perfect Asses" to go with "Perfect Feet" and "Perfect Breasts").

Right. I still consider it a crap pool because too many posts are just shoveled into it (good and bad), and the only reason for the high activity it gets is the severely played-out meme it has for a name.

Personally, I'd like to just kill it off entirely and start over with a better pool. But I can settle for a name change along with a cleanup.


Hillside_Moose said:
merely being a janitor does not give the pool a free pass

Of course not, but your knowledge of the site makes you quite likely to know what you're doing when creating one. I'm only mentionning this to prevent a potential "oh hey, useless pool, deleted" scenario before the said pool creator can react, since he's obviously not your average clueless user.

Anyway what makes pool #1480 worth keeping to me is that the topic is uncommon, though some of the pool's content lacks emphasis in my opinion (nothing unusual for a pool so).

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