
Pointless Pools

Posted under General

pool #2182 ("Fate, Damn you!")

Where people suddenly having face-to-face situation or just met by chance with their despicable enemy, opponent, or rival. Like you will say that "I know there will something bad going to happen if this two meet or put in one place" (Not to be confuse to pool #1384 this where all the fun starts)

Bad title, and few of the posts are met by chance or even established enemies/rivals. It's just a random group of only-mostly faceoff situations.

RaisingK said:
pool #2182 ("Fate, Damn you!")
Bad title, and few of the posts are met by chance or even established enemies/rivals. It's just a random group of only-mostly faceoff situations.

I meant to bring this up, but it's a taggable concept, anyway. Something like face off would do.

Speaking of pool #1384, what's the point when most of those are already covered by fight or battle?

UnderneathTheWaves said:
I meant to bring this up, but it's a taggable concept, anyway. Something like face off would do.

Speaking of pool #1384, what's the point when most of those are already covered by fight or battle?

"To The Death" sounds more epic/personal/serious than a simple fight/battle... Face off would cover that pool pretty well; it just doesn't have the same ring to it.


Fencedude said:
pool #2860 "Chinese Gundam Returns"

Should be a tag. china_gundam, I guess. Doesn't really matter. Opinions?

Added chinese_gundam to each and deleted the pool.

RaisingK said: pool #2182 ("Fate, Damn you!")

Bad title and really over-precise definition. Removed.

theadonicus said: pool #2343: Sunrise Stance
"Parody of the characteristic pose / fighting stance often used in the Yuusha series of the animation studio Sunrise."

Moved to sunrise_stance and copied description into wiki.


pool #2314 (Touhou - Knife!)
Updated knifed with pool's latest contents.

pool #2562 (Sugar & Spice)
Again, girly sexy females is utterly redundant with what is already danbooru's primary topic. They're litterally everywhere. Doesn't make sense to have a pool where you can throw several thousands of posts, and plenty of contents added by the OP aren't even that "extreme".

jxh2154 said:
Renamed Dat Ass! to Perfect Ass.

Does that mean we can start to clean everything dubious and poorly drawn?

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