First, the obligatory Obvious Thread Link:
forum #37461
Okay, now that's out of the way...
slayerduck said:
Personally i find a lot of pics that are sexual suggestive not safe even tough they don't show any nudity like this post #822643
The pantyshot alone doesn't even merit a Questionable rating - not unless accompanied by detailed cameltoe. However, in that post, the panties are slid halfway down the legs, which is definitely evocative of a sexual situation and deserves a Q.
Or stuff thats aimed at somebody's behind, specifically any cameltoe is not safe imo, there is alot of safe cameltoe post #808848 or post #800162
The Vita pic, Safe. It's a butt shot, yeah, but one with little to nothing in the way of "obscene" detail.
The Kuroneko pic, on the other hand, has some pretty H detail, thanks to those panties being cameltoed so much that they appear to be painted on. The outline of both major labia and the clitoral shaft is clearly visible.
Rated Q.
Just by searching for "cameltoe rating:safe" will come up with massive ammounts of not safe work. Of the 45 pages atleast 40 is not safe in my book.
A line or slight indentation isn't explicit enough to rise above Safe. Thorough and/or prurient detail is what determines it, not just the mere presence of cameltoe.
Also any posts that shows nipples is imo not safe
By that logic, a perfectly innocent pic of a mother bathing her son or daughter - with the mother's naughty bits covered - would be un-Safe. That is not kosher with me.
Stuff tagged as guro should be not tagged safe by default. Seriously, this is a safe post #783973 ?
Ratings cover sexual content only. Violence does not merit a rating change, regardless of its mildness or severity.
The how to rate topic on the wiki is a very good guideline, i think it would help if a link were to be put on the upload page.
Not a bad idea - or, rather, a prominent link to the howto:rate page on the already-linked Upload Guide would be a good idea.