
Comment abuse report thread

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

Log said:
I believe it's more of a perfect example of why trying to police comments is a losing battle, personally.

Thus why comment-related moderation tends not to be done except in cases of significant obnoxious behavior.

Soljashy said: A perfect example of why the comment voting system doesn't work.

I'd have to agree that it's pretty useless for fighting spam, but it's generally been good for dealing with those aloof fools who make useless drive-by comments. At least for me, anyway.

But -sigh-, spam will always be a plague.

Can moderators/administrators tell if a post was made with or without bumping? If the biggest problem with comment spam is the way it bumps the image, allowing silly posts without bumping could serve as a compromise. People who failed to follow this rule would receive their just rewards.

Cyberia-Mix said:
Future comments locking tickbox?

I suggested something similar to comment locking before. Most of the janitor+ said a feature like that wasn't all that needed since comment spam of that caliber are rare. I always found that sorta flimsy but that's my opinion.


Just because some people are being obnoxious idiots doesn't mean that everyone should be prevented from commenting on a post. If the combos in those threads were just deleted then people would stop continuing them.

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