post #9000000 GET!

Pointless Wikis

Posted under General

UnderneathTheWaves said:
Hat Swap. Dead tag with 0 posts that seems like Hat Switch anyway. An alias is possibly in order.

I started naming the concept hat_swap before remembering of costume_switch, after what I changed to hat_switch for consistency.
But since it's also viable for stuff that aren't technically hats I was thinking of renaming the concept again to headgear_switch (possibly with some alias somewhere).
And since I'm dealing with a shitload of things already I'd decided to let the thing as is until I'd have made up my mind about it.

tl;dr - delete it or not it doesn't matter right now.

rantuyetmai said:
din_(artist). Moved to din_(flypaper).

Learnt my lesson so, the former wiki page should be updated to say where the artist moved to (forum #48422).

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