
Pointless Wikis

Posted under General

VA info should probably stay, a lot of voice actor connection posts dont really make sense without it
i used to be all for removing this kinda info, but then i uploaded an artist who wouldnt tag the char/copyright being depicted, only their height so i had to hunt through our wikis and all of the sudden it was really useful to have that info there so im a little softer on them now

thelieutenant said:

i used to be all for removing this kinda info, but then i uploaded an artist who wouldnt tag the char/copyright being depicted, only their height so i had to hunt through our wikis and all of the sudden it was really useful to have that info there so im a little softer on them now

While I'm glad it was useful for you at the time, we really shouldn't cater our wikis to outlier artists with an extremely abnormal method of tagging their content. A particularly "unique" artist might avoid using tags altogether and only title their Pixiv posts with the filename of the character's main gacha sprite - doesn't mean we need to put that information in the character's wiki.

I tried adapting the male focus wiki into a list wiki here. If it's good enough, we can remove the extra stuff from male focus and add a link to the new wiki.


+1, though if the profile needs expand tags to keep it readable then that's probably more a sign that it needs to be rewritten. Definitely keep seiyuu, I notice it's often missing, and personally I keep birthdate (to recognize birthday artworks) and maybe height (height charts/jokes are quite common too)

I was proposing the expand tags could be applied regardless of readability to better separate it. The idea is so users that just want to focus on tagging don't have to see it.

But speaking of trimming down profiles, I think the best way to go about it is to find official profiles with that information, in both Japanese and English if possible, and link to them. If only Japanese profiles are available, we can still omit alphanumeric data such as measurements and blood type since they will still be easy to identify even without any Japanese knowledge. However, we should include the birthday if there is no profile available. Voice actor information should be added regardless since they do exist as tags and can be linked to their wiki pages.

For Japanese profiles, if there is textual information we want to include, we can just translate it and add it in the character description. Some of this information can be subtly added without negatively affecting readability.

AngryZapdos said:

While I'm glad it was useful for you at the time, we really shouldn't cater our wikis to outlier artists with an extremely abnormal method of tagging their content. A particularly "unique" artist might avoid using tags altogether and only title their Pixiv posts with the filename of the character's main gacha sprite - doesn't mean we need to put that information in the character's wiki.

We also shouldn't remove any bit piece information just because it's not useful 103% of the time. A short sentence stating someone's birthday won't ruin the readability or usability of a wiki, while giving useful context when (not if) birthday arts come around.

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