post #9000000 GET!

Artist alias request thread

Posted under General

evazion said: iori_(yakata-bako) -> iori_yakatabako
Reason: Someone moved this tag recently, thereby breaking my tag subscriptions.


rantuyetmai said: Sorry, it's me. I'll submit alias for artists with <100 posts from now on.

The threshold for a no-alias move is much lower than 100. I'd say anything above 10 should get an alias suggestion. I may still move rather than alias depending on how ambiguous it is, but either way it's good to get the discussion on the forums so people can find it if they search here.

nagi_(artist) -> s.e.c Reason: Site name/Pen name/Pixiv nickname.

Homepage profile says his name is Nagi Ryou (凪良, also 名木 良 given). Speaking of ambiguity, nagi_(artist) is super mega ambiguous because we have dozens of artists named nagi.

Unfortunately it's also a lot of posts (243! huge for an artist) so I will make it an exception and alias.

Aliased nagi_(artist) and s.e.c to nagi_ryou.

combat_bizen_osafune -> abeshi_shoushou (あべし少将)
The reading is based on his email address: abeshisyosyo◎

For the two below I'd prefer to mass edit instead of alias, but they have quite a few posts so another opinion is needed.

kuma_(artist) -> kuma_(crimsonvanilla)
I don't break up into _(crimson_vanilla) since you can actually google her blog with "crimsonvanilla" search.

aku_(pixiv) (79 posts) -> aku_(dejigiga)
Site name.


rantuyetmai said:
For the two below I'd prefer to mass edit instead of alias, but they have quite a few posts so another opinion is needed.

There's no question that they aren't suitable for an alias. Sub-100 isn't too bad, compared to some artists...

aku_(dejigiga): post #741476, post #701919, post #686296, post #660346, and post #559964 did not have sources. The doujin sources of two of those are identified in the comments; the others probably the same. One other post belonged to a different pixiv artist.

For kuma_(artist), kuma_(spring) ( or kuma_(kumako) ( would be better; "crimsonvanilla" ( is just the touhou subpage...


RaisingK said:
aku_(dejigiga): post #741476, post #701919, post #686296, post #660346, and post #559964 did not have sources.

Those are 100% by aku_(dejigiga) since they are pages and cover of ギガメーカー (Gigameka)'s doujin. Added the source for each.

For kuma_(artist), kuma_(spring) ( or kuma_(kumako) ( would be better; "crimsonvanilla" ( is just the touhou subpage...

Another prolific Touhou doujin artist - circle 赤色バニラ (Crimson Vanilla), 20 books in 3 years. "Spring" is just one of her blog name where she talk. For drawing activity, it's the circle homepage. Plus as I said, you can search for her with "crimsonvanilla" which is preferable.

89/91 of her arts are Touhou is a bit much for "just the touhou subpage".


Requesting two changes:

The artist known as Doombringer is apparently the artist formerly known as Doombringer. Following the Pixiv link from the artist page returns a "this page is not found" error. His latest work (such as pool #716870) appears under the name カイギディエル. According to his current Pixiv page, this is romanized as "Chaigidhiell" (pronounced like "Kaigi D.L.")

Also, at some point, I discovered the artist Wimifu is actually called "Mimifu". Unfortunately, that was a few months ago, and I can't track down where I found out...

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