post #9000000 GET!

Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

/me sees this turning in to a place where users reappeal images they've already submitted in the deletion appeal thread without even asking for specific feedback.

@Dogenzaka - There is nothing particularly wrong with any of them other than being boring. Capcom game images that don't focus on particular female characters tend to have a harder time getting noticed. I was going to say post #548844 deserved approval, but then I saw Chun-li's face.

Don't use this thread as a backup for deletion appeals. If you think specific images should be reconsidered, post them in the Deletion Appeals thread. If they do not get approved, DO NOT POST THEM HERE.

This thread is if you want to know why IN GENERAL the types of images you upload aren't approved.

I've been having a hard time figuring out when pics of guys will make it, and when they won't. Any general comments you have about this would be most appreciated.

glasnost said:
And one less objective piece of advice: it looks like several of your deleted images are from DBZ, which, like most shounen series, are approved less often on Danbooru simply by virtue of the composition of the moderation team.

I've had better luck with shounen series than shoujo series.

In particular:
post #660575 - in comparison with post #660409 and post #646655

post #653397 - the first two I uploaded by this artist were approved very quickly, FF seems to get approved fairly well, and this was one of my favorite images by this artist, so I was quite surprised on this one. Is it just that no one liked the art style AND Final Fantasy?

post #647122

post #627235

post #644442


I was attempting to follow the DText Reference that shows up when posting; I was unaware that I needed to use the "alternate" method that is listed. My links have been corrected.

I'm a she, not a he. Please don't assume all posters are male.

I was really looking more for general "What to avoid when posting images of guys" comments than comments about those particular images anyway.


On a slightly related topic, are the ongoing janitor auditions an attempt at diversifying the mod community to help prevent the "deleted because of content rather than quality or TOS" issue? I can't help but find it somewhat odd that apparently the majority of the mod team is united against shounen, only males, or whatever. Granted, it's not like active discouragement or consistent rejection, but you get the idea.

Its not that we're united "against" them, its just have to consider how and why this site was created, what its main focus is, and the userbase that first gathered around it.

Mainstream shonen anime, male focused images and yaoi just fall outside the interest spheres of the majority of the Moderation and Janitorial staff, purely as a result of how the site formed. It would be nice to diversify the staff in that direction, though doing that is difficult.

The faces. The girls have their eyes so far apart it approaches "Am I kawaii? Uguu~" levels, and Patchouli's scrunch face looks particularly bad.

The extremely busy background doesn't help either. It reeks of amateur intent, the kind that frequently makes third-party wallpapers on DeviantArt.

Roughly 1 out of every 6 of my posts don't make if off the moderation stack. Some of these I can look at in retrospect and agree that they shouldn't have been posted, mostly the user:picnic status:deleted flash posts and others with obvious lack of quality, and these aren't the posts I'm concerned with since my initial judgement on similar posts is getting better. But there are some others that I'm at a loss for. Posts like post #687108, post #685593 (nws), post #683194, post #681372, post #681552, and post #667364 to name a few. What should I watch out for that I'm missing in these and similar posts?

I wouldn't say any of those are terrible, and I might even go back and undelete one or two, but they all are rather bland and on the "bad" side of average, I would say. The fact that they are all of Touhou characters doesn't really help. I try to judge each image individually, but it's hard to forget that Touhou is the biggest copyright on here (more than 3 times bigger than the original copyright, which is every original design). That naturally results in a slightly more elevated threshold to get in.

On the whole, I think your uploads are of great quality, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Perhaps try uploading some non-Touhou stuff?

スラッシュ said:
I try to judge each image individually, but it's hard to forget that Touhou is the biggest copyright on here (more than 3 times bigger than the original copyright, which is every original design). That naturally results in a slightly more elevated threshold to get in.

That being said, original was and continues to be severely undertagged.

But, Touhou did just recently pass the 140,000 mark, which is a freaking huge amount of images regardless.

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