post #9000000 GET!

Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

People have been asking for a thread where feedback on uploads could be obtained. So here it is. I have some reservations about how acrimonious this thread is likely to get, and if it turns into nothing more than a flame-fest, I will lock it.

Rules for those requesting feedback:
#1 - You are not guaranteed feedback. It is entirely voluntary to give it.
#2 - Danbooru may simply not be an appropriate place for your favorite art. If so, accept this and move on.
#3 - Try not to be too thin-skinned,and don't take things personally.

Rules for those giving feedback:
#1 - Give constructive feedback only.
#2 - Refrain from name-calling. Asking people to be thick-skinned doesn't mean you're allowed to be insulting.

Updated by RaisingK

Could we add something like "post here if your uploads keep getting deleted" to the thread name? I'm worried less about the thread turning ugly and more about it going unnoticed by new users among all the other stickies.

I guess. Adding too many words to the subject line is another good way to get people to ignore it, though.

I also was going to make a post about clearing out the stickies but I'm not sure any of them can really go yet.

Perhaps make a single stickied thread that is just a list of important threads and unstick artist tagging/danbooruup/plural -> singular/wiki, listing those plus deletion appeal/pixiv/pixiv ####/pointless wikis/pointless pools + a couple others I'm sure would fit in here perfectly but can't recall off the top of my head.

Sure it requires an extra step to access those threads but having them all listed in one location would be very helpful too.

Well, a few of the images I have uploaded which I thought were pretty decent to be on danbooru have been deleted and I assume my appeal to have them re-evaluated have been ignored.

Am I in the right spot? `-`

glasnost said:
Could we add something like "post here if your uploads keep getting deleted" to the thread name? I'm worried less about the thread turning ugly and more about it going unnoticed by new users among all the other stickies.

I think if people keep a calm head, they will understand and refrain from the nastiness. If not, perhaps it will have a ban as a punishment?

hidetheunforgiven said:
Well, a few of the images I have uploaded which I thought were pretty decent to be on danbooru have been deleted and I assume my appeal to have them re-evaluated have been ignored.

Am I in the right spot? `-`

Based on your deleted uploads, here are some things I think you should watch out for:

  • Photos/screencaps/photoshops (i.e. post #607028, post #635704): Anything that is not an original piece of art is at a disadvantage in the moderation process right from the get go.
  • JPEG artifacts (i.e. post #625844, post #678880): A little bit of distortion is acceptable; stuff at the level of post #678880 is absurd and would probably not get approved regardless of art quality. Usually, this is a result of one or more rounds of resaving, so if you get art direct from the producer, you won't have to worry about this as much.
  • Resolution (i.e. post #627797, post #678875): Below a certain size, pictures just get too small to be interesting. My personal threshold is somewhere around 0.2 megapixels (that is, a ~450x450 image), but use your judgement and you should be fine.
  • Watermarks/copyright marks (i.e. post #696021, post #608608): Not a huge strike against an image, but a strike nonetheless.

And one less objective piece of advice: it looks like several of your deleted images are from DBZ, which, like most shounen series, are approved less often on Danbooru simply by virtue of the composition of the moderation team. It's somewhat unfortunate, but pictures from that copyright are probably going to be held to a higher standard than pictures of, say, Touhou characters. If you post strictly good art, it won't become an issue, but be wary of that grey zone between good and 'meh', because you may be less likely to get the benefit of the doubt.

Fencedude said:
Third party watermarks will prevent me from approving an image 99% of the time.

As they should, since they're listed as prohibited in the terms of service. So are posts with excessive JPEG artifacts, for that matter... and I thought photoshops were too, but I guess that was never an official rule except for nude filters.

The watermarks in those particular examples don't appear to be third party, though (unless you consider the colorist adding an pointless notice in the corner to be third party. Moronic, yes, but they did take part in the creation of the artwork.)

Kinda derp looking faces, especially in post #689331. The widely set eyes make her look a little bit retarded, and the weird right hand doesn't help matters.

Maybe I'm just picky, but there are a lot of things I pass over because of off-putting faces or bad hands/feet.

I'd say post #474813, post #503779 are not beautiful,
post #698921 has badly drawn face.

post #514106 I tend to disregard unremarkable rating:e stuff very fast.

post #628324 comic I don't know about, the art is alright but I'd left it for someone else who finds it interesting to approve.

post #652843 art is between so-so and bad, post #711712 art is okay, both are uninteresting.

post #653843 is alright, maybe the left arm of Southern Italy was too small?

post #691395 makes me wonder why any of Amayuki Esuka's art were accepted, since those look highly unremarkable to me.

The okay ones for me are:

post #697268 I think if you only post the final product it'd be approved.

post #699225 looks nice, I'd approve this even though I don't know this series nor its characters.

The point that Fencedude was trying to get across was that in the end, at least one approver has to like a post for it to be approved. I don't think anyone would argue that jeffr's art is bad, per se, and I doubt that post would have been flagged for deletion had a Contributor uploaded it, but the subject material being what it is, it obviously won't appeal to everyone.

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