
Pointless Pools

Posted under General

kounishin said:
pool #1784, "Shot out of canon".
While I'm all in favour of wordplay in titles, and the idea isn't necessarily pointless, the way it's described (and used) at the moment is. The stated description would include not only every use of the if_they_mated tag (and half the current contents are already from the Touhou Kids pool), but anything that's not explicitly supported by canon - that is, >99% of all fan works.

Yeah this pool seems much too broad to me. Non-canon images are incredibly common, and not really something I'd think to tag.

TricksterA2 said:
Okay, maybe the "Queen performance" only entertained for a moment, but if you read HakaimaRan's comment for post #425381, that show's the pool's true purpose.

As poetic a comment as that might be, keeping the pool around will only encourage other users to try as well... and fail most of the time. We have enough useless comments as it is.

TricksterA2 said:
Yes, you are right, not everyone has the talent to post "inspiring" comments such as that...
I've got nothing else to say about this one and from what I see, not many users, if any, object to the deletion of this pool.

How about having certain members (like janitors?) and/or moderators decide which posts can stay in the Epic Commentary pool? That way, members are still free to add posts to the pool, while allowing janitors/mods to have the last word in the matter. This will maintain authority and prevent users from attempting to make poor attempts at an epic comment.

How about having certain members (like janitors?) and/or moderators decide which posts can stay in the Epic Commentary pool? That way, members are still free to add posts to the pool, while allowing janitors/mods to have the last word in the matter. This will maintain authority and prevent users from attempting to make poor attempts at an epic comment.

That also meant extra work, isn't it?

pool #1746 since it all got deleted...and I don't think it'll return.

It kinda sounds like I little too much work for one pool, but that's just my opinion.

IF the users (Moderators and Janitors) who you say should have the final word about the posts happen to be ok with it, then I'm fine with that too.

Hillside_Moose said:
Adding moderation to pool #1816 still doesn't change the fact that it's a shitty pool, and giving the already-busy moderators more work isn't going to make them any friendlier.

...All right, I'll delete it myself since I'm the one who created it...

So, how about pool #1823? It seems to only have one post (which was unapproved, and wasn't the first example of the subject matter) and there's been no effort in trying to find other pictures that were up "the minute new information on anime or videogames" came out.

Your right, that pool does not seem very active at all, so it's life span will probably be cut short.

Oh yeah, about pool 1825, "Test", (1 post) even if that user was testing something, shouldn't we delete since it is taking up space and doesn't even serve a purpose to anyone else?

As for the commentary pool, I didn't delete it but I would have if someone didn't get to it before me. We don't need something like that and moderating it is just not feasible.

SHUN0 said: pool #1746 since it all got deleted...and I don't think it'll return.

It was decided earlier that we'd keep these doujin pools even if the images were deleted. ::shrug::

Mysterio006 said: pool #1822 I have no idea what on earth this pool is for.


JakeBob said: So, how about pool #1823? It seems to only have one post (which was unapproved, and wasn't the first example of the subject matter) and there's been no effort in trying to find other pictures that were up "the minute new information on anime or videogames" came out.

Not a terrible idea but it's kinda obsolete after a short time by design. Seems like it wouldn't work to me. Dunno, curious what others have to say.

TricksterA2 said: Oh yeah, about pool #1825, "Test"


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