I know some artists that like to name their original characters. I was just wondering whether or not to tag the names even if they only ever appear in the artist's illustrations.
Updated by Hillside Moose
Posted under General
I know some artists that like to name their original characters. I was just wondering whether or not to tag the names even if they only ever appear in the artist's illustrations.
Updated by Hillside Moose
I don't see why not, especially if the character gets drawn a lot, whether by the artist himself or by other artists. I've done it for queen_anubis and darumako, among others.
However, unless you're absolutely sure of the character's name, it may be wise to bring it up on the forum or this thread just to get a solid name down.
cleartailcat said:
I was mainly wondering about Shiroganeusagi's 奈々仔. Just to be sure, would this be romanized as Nanashi?
Actually, I'd say "Nanako". ENAMDICT turns up 10 given names with 仔 in terminal position; 7 of them are read as "ko" and only 1 read is read as "shi". (Of course, the other two are "ne" and "yo", which just goes to show that name readings make no damn sense.)
I think what you're thinking of is Yomogi's Red-eyed Megane.
Thanks, nanako_(shiroganeusagi) then?
Hillside_Moose said:
cleartailcat, it would help if you would link some images of the character in question.
post #598684, post #579900, post #578523.
http://www.pixiv.net/tags.php?tag=%E5%A5%88%E3%80%85%E4%BB%94 on pixiv.
Hillside_Moose said:
I think what you're thinking of is Yomogi's Red-eyed Megane.
Yes, thats exactly who I was thinking of.
I'm not sure how artist's names are supposed to be split, apart from obvious surname/given name seperations etc. , but I've seen some obvious bunches (i.e. hangetsuakibarika among others). shiroganeusagi is technically two words, but I always found it simpler to romanize シロガネウサギ as one.
My support definitely goes to shirogane_usagi (but then again, I was overruled the last time I tried something like this).
Given they're two easily discernible words, I don't see how not spacing them would make more sense. (And no, the last time you tried to hack utawarerumono up, which is nowhere near as clear-cut, because it's verb modifier + noun and not noun + noun).
That's in English. Doesn't mean it's necessarily two words in Japanese. And given the source language's lack of spacing, you can't really point to any sort of precedent. Much like the concept of "adjective", the English concept of "word" fails when applied to a completely different language.
I honestly cannot think of anything less palatable than starting up this argument again.
After some searching, I am now almost certain it's "Nanako", so nanako_(shirogane_usagi) it is.
I've submitted an alias request regarding the artist, so implementation of nanako_(shirogane_usagi) can begin, if anyone wishes to do so.