
Named Original Characters

Posted under General

cleartailcat said:
I was mainly wondering about Shiroganeusagi's 奈々仔. Just to be sure, would this be romanized as Nanashi?

Actually, I'd say "Nanako". ENAMDICT turns up 10 given names with 仔 in terminal position; 7 of them are read as "ko" and only 1 read is read as "shi". (Of course, the other two are "ne" and "yo", which just goes to show that name readings make no damn sense.)

And even if an artist hasn't given names for a character, if they are drawing the same one or ones over and over, they are worth tagging. Some artist (I forget who) had a couple of girls who drew a lot, so we tagged them as "Soandso's_<descriptor>_girl"

I'm not sure how artist's names are supposed to be split, apart from obvious surname/given name seperations etc. , but I've seen some obvious bunches (i.e. hangetsuakibarika among others). shiroganeusagi is technically two words, but I always found it simpler to romanize シロガネウサギ as one.

That's in English. Doesn't mean it's necessarily two words in Japanese. And given the source language's lack of spacing, you can't really point to any sort of precedent. Much like the concept of "adjective", the English concept of "word" fails when applied to a completely different language.