glasnost said:
Er, that was me. I voted them down because they aren't relevant to the picture; nananonina misunderstood you and you corrected him. What's more, the discussion was finished, and you had already answered the one question that was relevant to the picture. In my opinion, that exchange wasn't something that everyone who looked at the picture would be interested in. Was I wrong?
I'm late to the party, but this stance is completely, utterly wrong. They're relevant to the picture, because they discuss matters of translation of the picture, and are direct followups to earlier comments. Whether it's done or not is bloody irrelevant. You're doing the same thing as idiots who edit out their question and replace it with "nevermind solved" because they got an answer in the forum. I want to bitchslap each and every one of you, because you'bre breaking the system by doing that. We have shit archived to make it possible to view it later, and just because you were finished with reading it 5 minutes later doesn't change anything in how relevant the comment is. This is exactly not what the voting system was for and consititutes pure abuse. Just think of it, do you tear out pages you have already read in a book? If not, why the hell would you do the same with comments?
This whole voting thing is a complete disaster, because it doesn't solve the problem of idiots commenting (why would it, if 99.9% of registered users are said idiots who come here only to fap?), but now it also allows them to hide comments for everyone else. Whence come things like mod warnings being downvoted by masses busy with adding "yaaaay~". And it does fuck all to solve the problem of inane comments bumping posts to the top.