Okay. I just did a search for hammer, and got a whole load of Touhou pics. I don't "hate" Touhou, per se. But I feel that the sheer Touhou surge kinda kills the variety in it. So I add the tag -touhou to it, and it tells me I need a privileged account to search multiple tags.
Now I understand that the reason why tag blacklists were removed from normal accounts is that it constituted a tag search to remove the tags that matched the blacklist search, thus reducing the load on the server.
But now, this restriction is getting in the way of even remotely normal use. I've seen images in my searches that I don't even want to see as thumbnails. I gotta ask. Is this really necessary? Is the load from people who want to search for a specific image killing the server? Is it too much to search for what I want, but not what I don't want?
Updated by thubba