
I need a privileged account to search multiple tags now?

Posted under General

Multi-tag searching is the best thing about Danbooru, you know. Even the fact that it's a huge image archive comes after that. Disabling that feature pretty much kills the main thing that draws people here. Well, I guess that's sort of the point to reduce traffic, but it's almost as good as killing the whole site. Who the hell is going to browse through the thousands of results that some tags return? With only one tag it's not worth the trouble coming here, unless you're going to search for something "rare" that gives few results.

It's a real shame if there's no way around this.

I don't usually search with multiple tags anyway since I'm searching something specific most of the time. Sure, it might take longer but it does give you the chance to check out stuff more carefully. It doesn't have to be a bad thing.

For what it's worth, I agree that being able to combine tags is a key part of the experience. I proposed raising the limit to three tags without special operators (ie intersection only, no difference, as that is one of the heaviest things to compute).

Be patient, though; we've just moved to a new server, so I think Albert will want to test things out before evaluating any changes.

surasshu said:
I don't know if this is related, but it seems like blacklisting doesn't work anymore...

I just checked. You're right. I didn't get around to restoring my blacklist that was lost when the server moved but after I read your post I decided to punch something in and then search for it and images of it still came up.

It's a bit annoying for me because I use multiple tags to correct for missing tags ("+tag" combined with "-tag" would show me if there was anything that would need "tag" for example). A maximum of 3 would very convenient in helping with tagging as well as searching images..

Yes, that's much better, thanks.

Not that it's a big problem or anything, but the error message I'm getting for searching with 4+ tags isn't quite right. It says "You need a privileged account to search for more than two tags at a time", but three tags works fine.

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