post #9000000 GET!

Loli/shota check thread.

Posted under General

Dalamar said:
bored man: I fixed Ayu's tag vandalism for you.

Two years ago kane182 got a swift ban for that kind of behavior, now I can't even leave a neg for it.

I wouldn't call adding the shota tag to those 3 posts "tag vandalism". They were all underage boys anyways, Ayu probably wasn't familiar with the Danbooru meaning of shota (explicit pics only).

The other edits he made (rating:s and all that) look perfectly fine, no reason to ban or give anyone a neg.

Unless of course he keeps tagging that way after someone explains it to him.

Yes, I just wish we could leave neutral records to serve as a public warning rather than having to pm 3 guys a day to say they're doing it wrong (which couldn't be proven you warned them by pm if they keep doing it).

Something is not running right here.
alright, there was a consensus the pic should be tagged loli, it was tagged, I can't see it.
But when I see comments on how it is NOT loli, and was UNtagged, I find the pic has been retaged as loli.
Someone is not caring for this discussion...

Sigfried666 said:
Something is not running right here.
alright, there was a consensus the pic should be tagged loli, it was tagged, I can't see it.
But when I see comments on how it is NOT loli, and was UNtagged, I find the pic has been retaged as loli.
Someone is not caring for this discussion...

When making posts like this, link to the goddamn image.

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