
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

Yuremi said:

post #8972969
Would this one be deemed guro? Not sure about the correct tag of the injury either (impaled?)

I find both tags to be fitting for that post.
I tried finding a tag which describes the way the swimsuit wedges into the pussy in post #8974062 and found labia_slip. There are only 8 posts tagged with it, two of which were added by me after finding out about it. I'm surprised. Is there no tag that fills the same niche (haha), but is used way more?

Oh, partially_visible_vulva, I guess. I knew pussy_peek, but didn't find it fitting. Your thoughts?

BaiserLaVerite said:

post #8966646
Is there a name for this background pattern?

There's no name for this specific background, as far as I'm aware. It's too divergent from the most common types of backgrounds for that. The tags I see fit for this are fleur-de-lis, floral_background and patterned_background.


BioTrifected said:

So with post #8950028, what would you tag what's wrapped around her leg?

Can't think of anything other than thighlet, but those are made of metal. The post is already tagged with thigh_strap. Consider adding flower_thigh_strap.

I want to create a new copyright for a small visual novel Sakura Kinoshita has made since there's art I'd like to upload that can be tagged under it, but that copyright - sweet dreams - has already been claimed. What should I do? Create the tag as sweet_dreams_(visual_novel)?

yn said:

I want to create a new copyright for a small visual novel Sakura Kinoshita has made since there's art I'd like to upload that can be tagged under it, but that copyright - sweet dreams - has already been claimed. What should I do? Create the tag as sweet_dreams_(visual_novel)?

Really small it seems, can't find any data on it.
Check official sites, if there's any 2nd, or extended title.
Usually for VNs we can just write the company/author name in parentheses, but the "(visual_novel)" works too if there's nothing else.

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