
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Vertrio said:

post #8892069
post #8892087
post #8892109
post #8892160
Please inform me of the reason for deletion. I hope to restore these images. They are sourced from my local storage and lack an online source link. These are original-sized files with no AI processing.

Can you mention where you first saved them from in the source field? Another imageboard, a torrent or? They're good images but a totally unclarified non-web source is a bad look for a post and unlikely to be approved.

EmbryoEve said:

OP uploaded samples instead of the full sizes, I requested a replacement.

sinfulporcupine said:

post #8760792
post #8855383
post #8575051
post #8937725
post #8574491

Eyes being so close together ruins the face for me on 1st, 3rd is not too bad but the head is cut disproportionately short above her eyes, 4th a bit too sketchy without much to make up for it.

I know I just posted here, but a few more of my uploads were deleted, so I figured I might as well make another post.

post #8916254 (Official art)
post #8930845 (Only checked by 7 approvers)
post #8938360 (Only checked by 6 approvers)
post #8940089 (Only checked by 6 approvers)
post #8943645 (Approved parent and sibling; only checked by 6 approvers)
post #8943649 (Approved parent and sibling; only checked by 6 approvers)
post #8943669 (Official game CG; only checked by 7 approvers)


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