post #8852861 1upped by a contributor 3 days later while it went unapproved
post #8655423 1upped by a contributor 1 hour later while it went unapproved
post #8723092 is a higher res version of its child
Posted under General
post #8852861 1upped by a contributor 3 days later while it went unapproved
post #8655423 1upped by a contributor 1 hour later while it went unapproved
post #8723092 is a higher res version of its child
BKaz20 said:
I've uploaded a handful of full art Pokémon cards recently. I don't know why these ones were deleted, as plenty of other cards I've uploaded (including ones from the same artists) were approved.
These ones were rejected as well. Is there something wrong with them? The quality seems consistent with the ones that were approved.
post #8854244
post #8871799
post #8875201
post #8893140
post #8893144
post #8909520
Thought of becoming a regular and tried posting art of one of my OCs, a Symphogear Autoscorer named Ashni, but 2 of them has been not approved, appealed, and still not there something wrong? Am I doing something wrong? I know my posts are of good quality, and 18 approvers in total didn't like it for them to be up...
The rest of the set got approved, so I'm bumping the last two.
Update: Thanks Nacha!
Advice for these deleted post?
post #8723586
post #8723605
post #8823664
post #8793919
post #8723511
post #8723291
only 7 approvers, good quality I feel. Anyone could take a look?
If I have to point out something, it's that her left hand and her fingers have significantly larger portions than the other.
and this isn't mine but the quality is good for me and cannot undestand why was not approved post #8755074
imhypnotized said:
only 5 approvers saw this post #8904981
and this isn't mine but the quality is good for me and cannot undestand why was not approved post #8755074
againwithfeeling said:
bump,,, i feel like it is good quality?
Could you please reconsider the deletion of post #8834631?
Almost all the works of this artist were approved, the art style is kinda cute and the post in question is pretty good imo too…
Why wasn't post #496858 approved? I think it is very well drawn.
hdk5 said:
Why wasn't post #496858 approved? I think it is very well drawn.
Well for one, it's quite hard to look at regardless of quality.
Looking to lighten my deleted post #s (posts also have more tags added to them)
post #8792300
post #8792228
post #8768001
post #8729191
post #8627106
post #8440727
post #8440680
post #8053487
post #7953184
post #7953214
post #7838313
post #8924459
post #7838300
post #7329215
post #6394981
post #6634785
These are all by a previously approved artist and most of these are the children of an approved post.