Should we start using new character tags for GFL1 characters, that appear in GFL2 artworks?
In GFL2 playable characters now have names instead of their gun names (Groza instead of OTs-14, Sabrina instead of SPAS-12, Machiato (dunno how to write this silly name correctly) instead WA2000, Tololo instead of AK-Alfa, and Centaureissi (name also used in Neural Cloud)) instead of G36)
Most of them are visually distinct from their GFL1/Neural Cloud counterparts, so it's logical to me, that they deserve their own tags, like "Centaureissi_(girls'_frontline_2)" or "Sabrina_(girls'_frontline_2)". I don't think that we need to wait for EN servers launch to confirm their names.
If it's too much of a stretch, at least it's worth to ask.
The difference between them in GF1 and GF2 is their clothes. Otherwise they look visually identical
Then we might as well deprecate skin and mod3 tags. The only difference visually are clothes. And I wouldn't call GFL1 Nagant and GFL2 Nagant visually identical.
I think it's going to be awkward to implement regardless of whether we do it now or after EN launch, because tagging-wise one could argue there's going to be awkward ambiguities arising. Putting aside the defaults they have in GFL2, as well as the shared clothing options which exist in that game, they recently added legacy skins from the OG, OTs-14's Sangria Succulent and Type 95's Narcissus.
If this ends up continuing as a thing, how would you tag a GFL2 Groza post that features the skin? Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, OTs-14 (Girls' Frontline), OTs-14 (Sangria Succulent) (Girls' Frontline)andGroza (Girls' Frontline 2)? But how would you know that it is explicitly fanart of her wearing that in GFL2? The art in the new game is different and could serve as inspiration, but in fanart it could be an absolute toss-up unless the artist tags it as GFL2. Should posts in Groza (Girls' Frontline 2) not be used for tagging legacy skins just to avoid the headache, and stick with GFL2-exclusive stuff?
A lot to deliberate on, and stuff isn't even in English yet.
I think it's going to be awkward to implement regardless of whether we do it now or after EN launch, because tagging-wise one could argue there's going to be awkward ambiguities arising. Putting aside the defaults they have in GFL2, as well as the shared clothing options which exist in that game, they recently added legacy skins from the OG, OTs-14's Sangria Succulent and Type 95's Narcissus.
The easiest way of tagging in these theoretical occasions - tag it when appropriate i.e. if there's Exilium tag in the twitter/pixiv tags or description states that it's the GF2 rendition - then also tag it as Girls' Frontline 2 artwork. It's really difficult, when artist don't tag their works properly, making people play Sherlock.
Seems like I'm the obly one who somewhat cares about this sort of thing. Just seems logical to me, that the girls' renditions in Exilium should receive their own tags, because they are visually different (not including being expanded as characters and occasionally slightly rewritten, their connection to guns have been blurred due to weapon imprint being broadened by letting them use any weapon of same weapon class). The artworks with legacy skins should not be tagges with Exilium tags, if there are no relevant tags/info in original twitter/pixiv post. That's just what I think.
If they're visually distinct, there's precedent from other copyrights for making separate character tags for them.
Visually they are different from their GFL1 renditions. The difficulties are with the Legacy skins (skins brought from GFL1 into GFL2 with minimal changes).
So, I think it's about time to revisit this topic. If it's wrong to make separate tags for names of returning characters, then should we just start renaming/aliasing them to their currently relavent names? We can't keep calling WKp by her gun name in context of Exilium's, where she carries absolutely different gun.
So no one is out of the loop, I'm going to link your BUR from the other thread here, forum #321451 (the one you should've made here instead), as well as the ongoing GFL copyright discussion tag, topic #19556, given that I brought up your wish to make tags for returning GFL dolls in GFL2, and you've gotten some responses on that issue there.
Yeah, was a "little" bit slow on this. Still, I do stand on my opinion, that Exilium names for returning characters should be used in one way or another. Keeping old gun names just doesn't make sense (like WKp/Littara example I've mentioned above)
It doesn't help that because you made those first tags and wikis to begin with, we've had random member-level users making follow-up ones.
If there's a correct way of doing this (because I personally don't know how this kind of topic is usually treated) - we can always nuke those wiki pages and do it right. Just the little to no reaction to my question about this topic made me act rather rash. I do apologize for that. And I still stand with my opinion that Exilium names do deserve to exist as the Doll names, because that's what Mica going to use in the future anyways in any future GFL-related media (that is not any adaptation of GFL1, where gun names are used till the end of the main story).
So, the BUR got denied (kind of expected). Maybe we start renaming GFL1 names with GFL2 ones, as they roll out on global? We can't ignore them, that's for sure. Can't keep using the gun names with Project NET having gun names from global version of GFL2, and not the real gun names for characters, which sort of shows, that GFL2 names for characters and guns take the lead in question about names in official media from now on. By the way, are we going to treat Project NET's rendition of characters (and their future skins) same as PNC?
It's too early to comment on that since it got auto-rejected. Since autorejected BURs do get checked later, it's better to wait for official comment from either evazion, nonamethanks, or whoever is actively approving BURs right now once they get to it.
It's too early to comment on that since it got auto-rejected. Since autorejected BURs do get checked later, it's better to wait for official comment from either evazion, nonamethanks, or whoever is actively approving BURs right now once they get to it.
I think they'll do nothing until there's more unanimous opinion on this topic, like with GFL (series) / Reverse Collapse (series) implications.