
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

I guess with the holiday premium raffle and the holiday season, there's been a wonky supply and demand issue; more pending posts with less approvers active. As right now, there are ~1778 pending posts, meaning that a number of the posts here have no obvious quality issues and are just slipping through the cracks more.

waterflame said:

Hello, it's me again, curious why these two weren't approved. Any feedback would be great. Especially because art by the same artist was uploaded around it that was approved:
post #8595822
post #8595657

If you're referring to the Elphe art for quality compared to works around the same time then 2 years ago he wasn't as consistent with art as he is now. For this one in particular it's her hand and particularly her pinky finger and potentially the torso too.

If you meant the Oshino piece then her face looks comparatively worse proportioned than the other works from the artist from around the same time. Her head is also kinda big, too big to be explained away with perspective I think.

900b said:

Help me approve this animation, it got 79 likes but for some reason it wasn't approved -

As I was once guided on... upvotes don't equate to approveability, especially when it comes to nsfw stuff as that tends to be scored higher in comparison to similar quality but general rated stuff. I can't rate the post because I'm a prude but just wanted to correct that. If you were to appeal though, I'd wait till the holiday season is over. The queue is crazy rn