post #9000000 GET!

Imply star wars

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mock said:

BUR #32780 has been rejected.


create implication padme_amidala_(black_corset_dress) -> padme_amidala
create implication padme_amidala_(foreign_residence_gown) -> padme_amidala
create implication padme_amidala_(green_velvet_dress) -> padme_amidala
create implication padme_amidala_(jubilation_dress) -> padme_amidala
create implication padme_amidala_(lakeside_gown) -> padme_amidala
create implication padme_amidala_(lilac_visitation_outfit) -> padme_amidala
create implication padme_amidala_(senate_gown) -> padme_amidala
create implication padme_amidala_(silk_nightdress) -> padme_amidala
create implication padme_amidala_(summer_meadow_dress) -> padme_amidala
create implication padme_amidala_(throne_room_gown) -> padme_amidala
create implication padme_amidala_(tunic_and_leggings) -> padme_amidala
create implication padme_amidala_(white_action_attire) -> padme_amidala
create implication naboo_royal_handmaiden_(battle_dress) -> naboo_royal_handmaiden

Padme costumes.

First it was all the DC comics costume tags you made for Batgirl, Catwoman, and Harley Quinn, then topic #27950, then Supergirl, Starfire, Huntress, Power Girl and Red Hood, now this.

Most of the costume tags you've made for all these characters and Padme feel superfluous, with only a handful being worthwhile to tag to begin with, and this isn't even mentioning how much this is stretching the current usage of costume tags to a problematic degree as warned in topic #26611. If neither topic #27772 nor topic #28159 were approved, then neither will this.

Damian0358 said:

First it was all the DC comics costume tags you made for Batgirl, Catwoman, and Harley Quinn, then topic #27950, then Supergirl, Starfire, Huntress, Power Girl and Red Hood, now this.

Most of the costume tags you've made for all these characters and Padme feel superfluous, with only a handful being worthwhile to tag to begin with, and this isn't even mentioning how much this is stretching the current usage of costume tags to a problematic degree as warned in topic #26611. If neither topic #27772 nor topic #28159 were approved, then neither will this.

I'm generally pro-costume tagging and I have to agree with this. It's unnecessary to create tags for every single outfit a character has ever officially worn, especially when they aren't officially named unlockables, outfits worn for an extended period of time, or outfits heavily used for merchandise and promotional material. It's the difference between something like Amy Rose (riders), which is a costume in multiple games and media versus making a tag for something like her one-off costume from The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. (And even then, I wasn't in support of Riders chartags originally!)

Something like Huttslayer Leia is fine. It's a culturally significant costume. This, on the other hand, is unnecessary.

If the CCS BUR wasn't approved (which I still think had much more merit to it than this given how integral the fashion is to the show), then I really don't think this one will.

Trouble_Windows said:

I'm generally pro-costume tagging and I have to agree with this.

If the CCS BUR wasn't approved (which I still think had much more merit to it than this given how integral the fashion is to the show), then I really don't think this one will.

I do want to note that I do sort of get where mock is coming from with these costumes, mainly once you look at how Western comics tagging interacts with our usual tagging policy. For a ton of these costumes, the usual thing to say would be "use copyright tags instead," but the way Western comics are tagged on Danbooru makes that a difficult issue. We generally don't have copyright tags dedicated to a specific comic book run, period/era, or author/artist, with only the most noteworthy of instances (or official art) inspiring such tags, so principally there wouldn't be a way to search up variants of costumes like, say, those of Catwoman.

But that runs up to a parallel problem, in that you can't reliably use comic runs or comic periods/eras for tagging these because there's a good chance a design transcends a specific run or period unless said design is inextricibly tied to either (and this can even apply to comic adaptations, depending on the title), you can't reliably use authors/artists because of the nature of Western comics and how a given run could be drawn by multiple artists, and our usual method of official names or nicknames falls flat here because it's unlikely that every version of a given character has one of these (which basically leaves the year of the design's debut as your only option unless you want to go ultra-descriptive in the qualifier, which isn't intuitive to those not in the know).

So I'm personally actually really mixed about those costume tags, because we don't have a good solution for making them searchable otherwise, and this isn't even getting into the fact that you could technically call precedent with the few Spider-Man variant tags we have, even if I'd counterargue that those are a different ballpark from what's being asked of here.

Going back to Padme's costumes though, yeah, as you said, with the CCS BUR not being approved, that has no chance in hell.

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