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I heard of a site quity lika Danbooru and lokked it up.
It is a picture archieve like Danbooru, but more focused on hentai than on anime I think.
Is Danbooru bigger than Sagubooru?
And was Sagubooru first or Danbooru?
What, by the way means booru?

Updated by phane

If I remember correctly, Sagubooru was a replacement for Danbooru when it first went down. Sagubooru died soon after however, due to them not being able to handle the amount of bandwidth the site eats up.

Danbooru should be bigger, as Sagubooru simply took over the Danbooru database. It's been down for months though, at least, I think so as I haven't really tried the "experimental build" thing they list on their main page.

No idea what "booru" stands for.

Well, "danbooru" means corrugated cardboard, or boxes made of said material (short for "danbooru-bako"). "Dan" means "step", which describes the shape of the material, and I'm guessing "booru" is just derived from English "board", though I can't be sure.

LaC said: Sagubooru is the bleak vision of the dystopian future that awaits us if Adobe gets its way. It is a prophecy, and a warning to us all.

Double Amen. I appreciate that he wanted to try and do something fancy, but the beta I used was a nightmare.

Danbooru is proof that simple is best. The craziness that was (still is, I guess, but I doubt it'll ever get off the ground if it hasn't already) Sagubooru was just too much. This is so much easier and simpler to use.

Zekeltarfos said:
Well, "danbooru" means corrugated cardboard, or boxes made of said material (short for "danbooru-bako"). "Dan" means "step", which describes the shape of the material, and I'm guessing "booru" is just derived from English "board", though I can't be sure.

06 - Kurosaki Sayoko no Uta - Kurosaki Sayoko no Danbooru no Shi

Sagubooru did not die to bandwidth. In fact its not dead at all... It's still up and running, you just cant add any new posts to it... Sagutarus has been busy with work ever since April, and has not had a chance to update the code to the site.

Ghosty said: In fact its not dead at all... It's still up and running, you just cant add any new posts to it...

Yeah, we know, but that's really the same thing. I give it 80-20 odds in favor of it never happening.

Switching to Sagubooru when Danbooru died sucked. Once you figure it out, Sagubooru's interface isn't that bad, but it's hard to get combinations of tags. More importantly, actually opening an image in a real tab so you can save it takes two clicks, and my popup blocker insists on blocking them sometimes for no damn reason. :-P.

I'm really happy to see that Danbooru is back.

Ghosty said:
Sagubooru did not die to bandwidth. In fact its not dead at all... It's still up and running, you just cant add any new posts to it...

I think there would be too less people adding images even if you could post, cause the site is open for everyone.
In my opinion, the layout is kind of senseless, because you just don't need it, plus it often crashes on my machine.

The interface is usable at least, unlike that flash monstrosity. But with no new posts and over half a year since the last sign of any progress, sagubooru might as well be dead.

jxh2154 said:
Double Amen. I appreciate that he wanted to try and do something fancy, but the beta I used was a nightmare.

That wasn't a beta; Sagubooru hasn't really even reached an alpha version yet. Normally software in such an early development stage is not shown to the public.

Magus said: That wasn't a beta; Sagubooru hasn't really even reached an alpha version yet.

I know, inexact use of terminology on my part.

But my problem wasn't just specific points of functionality, it was his fundamental approach to the issue.

LaC said:
Sagubooru is the bleak vision of the dystopian future that awaits us if Adobe gets its way. It is a prophecy, and a warning to us all.

I have to ask... Adobe as in Photoshop? What does Adobe want...?

lichifruit said:
... but what does that have to do with Danbooru?

Sagubooru is written in Flex, which is the language Flash is written in. The decision was met with a fair amount of skepticism when Sag made it, and obviously still is. Considering the current build is labeled as pre-alpha it's actually not too bad, but I do like the current interface much better (though I'm not much of a fan of RoR either).

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