
The Vtuber Alternate Costume Tagging Proposal

Posted under Tags

Damian0358 said:

BUR #33681 has been rejected.

create implication mint_fantome_(minto_1.0) -> mint_fantome
rename mint_fantome_(minto_1.0) -> mint_fantome_(old_design)
create implication mint_fantome_(minto_2.0) -> mint_fantome
rename mint_fantome_(minto_2.0) -> mint_fantome_(1st_costume)

Alt-proposal per my comments in forum #316966.

No, I mean that the "old design" is the first costume. And minto 2.0 is the second costume. You're just making it confusing for everyone if you call the 1.0 "old design" and 2.0 "first costume". The tag name itself is contradicting you. They're literally called 1.0 and 2.0.

nonamethanks said:

No, I mean that the "old design" is the first costume. And minto 2.0 is the second costume. You're just making it confusing for everyone if you call the 1.0 "old design" and 2.0 "first costume". The tag name itself is contradicting you. They're literally called 1.0 and 2.0.

But as it has been mentioned, her debut costume (her first) has been retired, and that's been the case since 2021, making it an old design. Her "2.0" has been her only main costume since then, and she recently debuted an update to said costume's model, which she is referred to as her "3.0". Her active main is her "3.0", but it looks essentially like her "2.0".

BUR #33729 has been approved by @evazion.

create implication raora_panthera_(1st_costume) -> raora_panthera
create implication elizabeth_rose_bloodflame_(1st_costume) -> elizabeth_rose_bloodflame
create implication cecilia_immergreen_(1st_costume) -> cecilia_immergreen
create implication gigi_murin_(1st_costume) -> gigi_murin

Seeing as how ReGLOSS's default costume bur got approved, I think we should try and do holoJustice's default costumes next as well since they too have posts on them.


Damian0358 said:

You do realize if we start making individual costume tags for Ironmouse's costume contest winners, they have to be added to the nth costume count, right? And that'd be five costumes right now, making her Decora her 23rd (and Witch of Twitch 25th)?

I didn't make the tag someone else did (I do feel like it is unnecessary tho)

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