
Post Count Improper Updating

Posted under Bugs & Features

There's something weird as hell going on with post counts for any tags with less than 1k posts. There's a copyright tag that initially has a post count of 23, but after I see a new post with a certain tag I'm looking for, the system eventually catches up with itself and bumps up that post count to 24. What kind of bug is this and can it be replicated? It's starting to grate on me.



Tag counts in the sidebar can be temporarily inaccurate when there's a lot of edits being made due to BURs or tag scripting, but they're fixed by the server every hour and it shouldn't happen to small tags.


Are you talking about the post count in the autocompelte dialog? This is cached for a while and indeed takes a while to update. The one at /counts/posts should always be accurate though.

Yes. I always see it not updating after a hour.

nonamethanks said:


Tag counts in the sidebar can be temporarily inaccurate when there's a lot of edits being made due to BURs or tag scripting, but they're fixed by the server every hour and it shouldn't happen to small tags.

The copyright tag neko no teach-kun is the example I'm pointing towards.

If ~20 posts can constitute a small tag, then it shouldn't really be happening to that tag. I assume there is tag scripting causing the delay.