
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Mayhem-Chan said:

When you upload an updated version of a pic, you should tag revision to clarify. Also revised posts are supposed to be the parent post, not the child one. It's doesn't help that this revision you uploaded is just really hard to spot what changes.

When you upload art that you commissioned yourself, you should always tag commissioner upload, and it's especially important when you upload without a source like the parents of post #8164523 and post #8164535. (Speaking of tagging, there's still a lot of room for improvement on yours in general, even if general tags don't weigh in the approval process)

Posts are evaluated for approval on an individual basis. Lots of artists have at least some deleted posts here, image quality can vary significantly even if it's by the same artist. Case & point: post #8147009 vs post #8144808 + post #8144547.
Not to mention cases where the non-deleted posts of one artist were uploaded by unrestricted users, bypassing the queue.

I see. Thank you for explaining all that

Regarding tacticool and post-apocalypse and western art:

STALKER Miku xover, sadly not approved: What's wrong with it?

As is this really well done Fallout x Red Dead xover as well! This is the ONLY xover art of the two that I know of, it'd be a shame to not see it!

Lastly, no love for MP5k?

post #8174484 post #8154413 post #8083426
I can never get approvals for these artists, or it's too difficult - my only approvals now are because of 1ups or a character that an approver also likes. What makes them unapprovable?

post #8065686 Appeal succeeded.
I want to appeal this because I can't find any glaring issues with the post but the trouble is finding an approver who might like the way its drawn so I'm hesitant to submit an appeal.

post #8085354
16 approvers said no. The others are fine. While posts are approved on their own merit, what differentiates this so much so that so many approvers dislike it versus the others?

I have tried absolutely everything, every bit of advice, every bit of reevaluating the quality of my posts, anything in hopes of improving my prospects, and it's all just hopeless. Even after so much optimisation, I'm still hitting rock bottom as time goes on. I've reduced my post volume by up to 66% and I'm still churning out deletions like a bad stomach after Taco Bell unless they are the most perfect pieces ever seen. What is it going to take?


notfrontloaded said:

post #8182336
post #8182338
post #8182341

I saw the default costume official art being uploaded from a third-party source so I uploaded these.

It looks good, no visible errors and it's drawn well overall.
Only 6 approvers have checked two of these, while the third one was checked by 7. You can try appealing this.
I'm pretty sure this will get approved sooner or later.

The amount of uploads on Danbooru has been growing exponentially since 2020 (as seen on this report) so there's a lot more posts for approvers to check in the modqueue, which in semi-rare cases results in a post not getting checked by a sufficient amount of approvers or any other approvers who might have approved it. As seen on the statistic, there were almost 5k posts uploaded per day so far in September 2024, and at least 2.5k were being uploaded by users who are below the Contributor rank, who don't get to bypass the modqueue. That is a lot of posts to go through and check. It's just how it is and how it works.

I wrote a longer response since I wanna use this forum post as an answer for other people wondering the same thing.


Mayhem-Chan said:

Aren't the anatomy issues a bit too glaring in those 3?

I'm not aware of how which I believe is part of my problem in understanding good uploads. How so? I'm unfortunately not a human magician and it's even moreso difficult to tell when other posts look roughly the same but go through. Again, though posts are approved on their own merit, there is some value to be had in looking at some of the other posts as well (or if they're flaggable alternatively, and they were just lucky while I was not).