
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

otakuman007 said:

I wrote "Author's deleted Fanbox" as source. Hope it's alright.

that's better

Octoru said:

I dont understand why post #8125393 is deleted, when other arts in same style by same artist remain up.

All other posts of this artists were from an unrestricted user, they didn't go through the moderation queue

Mayhem-Chan said:

that's better

All other posts of this artists were from an unrestricted user, they didn't go through the moderation queue

oh I see, thank you for answering.

Hey, longtime lurker and new uploader here, still wrapping their brain around the various things to look out for in terms of putting out some quality submissions and contributions. I have two deleted posts, below:
post #8134417
post #8129367

I assume the reason they weren't approved is wonky anatomy, but I was curious to know if not or if there are other things to note, so I know what to look out for in the future. Thanks!

GoroMatsu said:

post #8113092

This is the only one i feel comfortable commenting on, but it boils down to multiple anatomy issues, like the hand, as mentionned by Windsofgold, but also the whole torso/abdomen area just being very wonky + the rendering looking amateurish for everything below the waist. The combination of all these points hurts a lot the overall look of the drawing